Melissa D'Deneith

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Melissa D’Deneith

True Neutral Female Human

Fighter 4/Dragonmarked Heir 2

This young red-head is the niece of Baron Breven D'Deneith, and her skill with a blade reflects her upbringing. In combat, she can both direct her comrades and execute orders with ruthless efficiency. Outside of combat, she is strangely laid back, almost to the point that most have a hard time believing she's killed. Beneath the long glove on her left arm lies a Warforged graft to replace the one she lost during the final assault on Cyre, her wound being severe enough to have her shipped back home was the only thing that spared her from the disaster that claimed so many of her friends.

During the last years before the Mourning, she served in both the Brelish and Cyrean armed forces for the Blademarks and gained standing beyond her family connections in her House. Why she is currently with the group she won't say outside of "that's what I was hired to do". As they always do when there is a dearth of information, rumors circulate, ranging from the mundane to the absurd.

Most rumors revolve around her being a spy hired by House Cannith/Tharashk/Sivis/Kundarak for one reason or another, usually related to some secret project or sensitive documentation. The more absurd ones involve her being hired by one of the Cults of the Dragon Below to locate any new or unusual entrances the Khyber, or by Prince Orgave to locate and retrieve the eldrich machine some are desperate enough to believe casued the Mourning, or even by some unknown threat to all Khorvaire that wishes to contact the holder of the last Creation Forge outside house Cannith control, the Lord of Blades.

Shadows over Cyre