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LE male personality psiforged, psion (shaper) 6/Construtor 3

Personality: First and foremost, Fracture is a racist bastard. He has an extremely low opinion of humanoids, frequently referring to the using phrases including (but in no way limited) "meatsack," "fleshbag," "fleshy," or if he's in a good mood, "breather." His view is that Warforged are innately superior in every way, lacking the the physical needs of food, water, and sleep, as well as their immunity to poison, disease, and even aging itself. He sees it as the destiny of his kind to one day rule over the entire world. Thats not to say he is maneuvering to kill off the "fleshies", he figures eventually the humanoids will die out on their own without much help from him and he has plenty of patience.

In day to day interactions Fracture tends to be very taciturn, he often says as little as possible, particularly to breathers. It is common for him to skip over details which he considers "inconsequential". He always acts with icy precision, doing whatever is necessary to win, often with brutal efficiency.

Fracture's first and foremost concern however is the treatment of other warforged. He tries to ensure equal treatment of Warforged at every turn. If he is evil, it is only because he will do ANYTHING to advance the interests of his kind.

History: Fracture's first memory is waking up in the Mournland at the edge of the glass plateau. He has no idea who he was before this or if he even existed before this. Regardless his skills as a Psion kept him alive in the hostile wilderness. He wandered for many months within the mists though he doesn't often talk about what he did during this time since he doesn't deem it very important.

Ultimately he somehow ended up making his way to Caer Shadowfast where he joined up with the soldiers there. He rapidly rose through the ranks demonstrating impressive leadership potential, with Warforged at least, and a mind for tactics in addition to his own respectable skill with the power of the mind.

There tends to be some friction between Cassius and Fracture, mainly because of Fracture's tendency for insubordination and constantly pointing out the "flaws" humanoids suffer from. Despite this however he is too valuable for Cassius to get rid of and he has never shown any signs of planning a coup. He has not only shaped the Warforged he commands into one of the fortress's most deadly fighting forces but also can provide disposable reinforcements through the use of his Astral Construct power and heal his own troops with Psionic Repair Damage.

Fracture tends to have a slightly hands off approach with his soldiers, leaving the majority of their training to subordinates, only taking direct command in combat. Fracture has also been known to disappear for days, nobody knows where he goes, not even Cassius, and Fracture isn't talking.

Shadows over Cyre