The Slug
The Slug PL 10 (150PP)
Init +4; 30ft (Run), 50ft (Flight), 50ft (Tunneling); Defense 21/18 (8 Base, 3 Dex); BAB +8; +11 Melee, +11 Ranged (10 Paralysis); SV Dmg +3 (10 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 4 (Total 62PP)
Skills: Search 2/+7, Spot 2/+5, Listen 2/+5, KS: Race of the Elder Worm 4/+9 (Total 10PP)
Feats: Attack Finesse, All Around Sight, Darkvision, Mental Link (Other Elder Worms), Power Immunity, Iron Will (Total 14PP)
Armored Suit (Protection) +10 (Source: Technology; Extra: Immunity) (Cost 2 / Total 20PP) Flight +10 (Source: Mystical; Extra: Tunneling; Flaw: Device [Mystical Ankh]) (Cost 1 / Total 10+2PP) Mind Gem (Paralysis) +10 (Source: Alien; Extras: Sustained, Telepathy; Stunt: Stun; Flaw: Device [Gem]) (Cost 3 / Total 30+2PP)