Campaign Timeline
Shadows over Cyre
B.G.= Before Galifar A.G = After Galifar
-5446 B.G. Caer Shadowfast is founded as Dreadhold. It is an outpost of the Dhakaani in their war against the Daelkyr.
-5000 B.G The Painmaster is bound in the heart of Dreadhold and the town is abandoned by the Goblins.
-2,000 B.G. Karrn the Conqueror takes over Dreadhold and renames it Caer Shadowfast. It is his outpost for what he hopes will allow him to conquer the other four human kingdoms.
-0 A.G. The Knighthood of the Silver Chalice is deeded the Fortress to serve as one of their many fortresses to protect against the influence of demons.