M&M Rule Aids

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Bonus to Hit

Full Action

  • a bonus to hit when you make the attack
  • a melee or unarmed attack, or a ranged attack at melee range, you get a +5 bonus on your attack roll.
  • a ranged attack from a greater distance, you get a +2 bonus on your attack roll
  • aim to hit an immobile object, you hit automatically with a melee attack and get a +4 bonus on a ranged attack.
  • while aiming you lose your dodge bonus
  • if you are struck or distracted in any way before your attack, you have to make a Concentration check to maintain your aim
  • once you aim, your next action must be to make the attack. Taking another standard or move action spoils your aim and you lose the aiming bonus.


Bonus to Hit

Standard Action

  • attempt to aid a friend engaged in melee with that opponent
  • make an attack roll against Defense 10.
  • succeed, you don’t actually damage the opponent
  • friend gains either a +2 bonus on an attack roll against that opponent
  • or a +2 bonus to Defense against that opponent (your choice) on the friend’s next turn.
  • Multiple aid bonuses stack


Bonus Damage

Standard Action

  • attackers must all delay to the same point in the initiative order
  • each attacker makes a normal attack roll against the target
  • the largest save DC modifier of the attacks that hit
  • for each other attack within 5 points of that attack’s bonus that hits, add +2.
  • each attack not within 5 points of that attack’s bonus that hits makes a seperate toughness save
  • The attacks must all require the same type of saving throw in order to combine
  • bonuses applying to aid do not apply to combined attacks


Getting Past Someone

Standard Action

  • make overrun following a move action or as part of a charge
  • you plow past, or over, your opponent (and move through his area) as you move
  • can only make one overrun attempt per action
  • must move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward your target
  • target chooses to avoid or block you
  • if he avoids you, you keep moving, since you can always move through an area occupied by someone who lets you pass.
  • if he blocks you, make a trip attack against him
  • if using a movement power, you gain a +1 bonus per rank on the trip check, if you succeed in tripping your opponent, you can continue your movement as normal, if you fail and are tripped in return, you fall prone. If you fail but are not tripped, you have to move 5 feet back the way you came, ending your movement there (essentially, you stop directly in front of your opponent). If that space is occupied, you fall prone as well.


Pushing Someone Back

Standard Action

  • Rush after a move action, or as part of a charge. (You normally can’t make a standard action during a move action; this is an exception.)
  • attempt to push an opponent straight back instead of damaging them
  • first, you move adjacent to your target
  • make opposed Strength checks
  • each rank in Super-Strength providing a +1 bonus and each rank of your movement power (if you are using one) providing a +1 bonus.
  • different sizes, the larger one gets a +4 bonus per difference in size category
  • target gets a +4 bonus for having more than two legs or being otherwise exceptionally stable
  • may also get a bonus from the Immovable power
  • If you win the opposed Strength check, you push the opponent back.
  • the amount by which you won the check as a rank on the Time and Value Progression Table, that’s how many feet you push the target back.
  • you can’t, however, exceed your normal movement speed, so any additional distance is ignored.
  • If you lose, you move 5 feet back the way you came, ending your movement there (essentially, you stop directly in front of your opponent). If that space is occupied, you also fall prone.


Move and Attack, Bonus to Hit

Full Action: Charging allows you to move more than your speed and attack as a full action.

  • must move at least 10 feet and may move up to twice your speed
  • must stop as soon as you are within striking range of your target (you can’t run past the target and attack from another direction)
  • during the surprise round you can use the charge action, but you are only allowed to move up to your speed (instead of up to twice your speed)
  • this is also true in other cases where you are limited to a single attack or move action per round.
  • After moving, you may make a single melee attack.
  • get +2 bonus on the attack roll
  • take a –2 penalty to your Defense for 1 round (until the beginning of your action the following round).


Move and Attack, Bonus to Damage

Full Action: attempt to use your momentum to slam directly into the target

  • make a slam attack like a charge
  • take a full-round action
  • must move at least 10 feet in a relatively straight line
  • must stop as soon as you are within striking range of your target (you can’t move past the target and attack from another direction)
  • can’t move all out for a slam attack
  • Make a melee attack against the target
  • do not gain the +2 bonus to hit from a charge
  • do suffer the –2 penalty to Defense.
  • damage bonus is +2 for a normal move, +4 for an accelerated move. Use this in place of your normal Strength damage.
  • If you use a movement power, add its rank to your damage bonus, provided you move a minimum distance equal to that rank’s speed.
  • suffer damage equal to half the total damage bonus inflicted on your target (round down).
  • make a normal Toughness save against this damage
  • Impervious Toughness protects against it normally
  • Immovable power reduces the damage inflicted by a slam attack and increases the damage suffered by the attacker.