The Bearers of the Crimson Flame

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The Bearers of the Crimson Flame

Alignment: LN


"Move without Sound. Strike without Warning. Kill without Mercy. Leave without Trace. We are Bearers of the Crimson Flame, Divine guardians of the Prophecy. With our right hand, we bring Warmth and Light to Eberron's Children. With our left hand, we bring Pain and Death to the Servants of Khyber."


The Bearers of the Crimson Flame are a highly secret organization of spies, assassins, and planted agents, spread throughout Khorvaire and possibly the world. Very few non-members know of their existance at any one time. Given that anyone who learns of them is either killed or mindwiped without fail, this is not surprising.

The group is drawn from all races and backgrounds, but only one outlook:

"What the Dragons say, goes."

Every member is fiercely loyal to The Chamber, believing their knowledge and wisdom the only things truly capable of ridding Eberron of it's sleeping horrors. Working in the open is out of the question, and for any agent to know more than three other members of the organization is nigh unheard of. Many seem to have taken on the infinite patience of the Dragons themselves in an almost Paladin-like devotion, knowing that their work is merely one mortal life in a grand design larger than they could ever imagine.

Divinations, mental probes, magical compulsion, and torture seem utterly ineffective at gaining any information related to the group. The agent may spill their guts about everything else they have ever known, but not a word of the Bearers of the Crimson Flame or the Chamber ever crosses their lips. Whether this is the result of magic, training, sheer devotion, or something else entirely is unclear.

Shadows over Cyre