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Return To Castle GreyHawk PBP by Xaos

Kieranna Female Teifling Rogue 6/Gatecrasher 2 8th lvl Chaotic Good

  • Str 10
  • Dex 22 (+2 level)
  • Con 12
  • Int 18
  • Wis 8
  • Cha 12

Hit Points 56 AC 22, Touch 16, Flat 22 Init +6 BAB +5, Grap +5 Speed 30' (base 30, load 24/33, light) Fort +3, Ref +14, Will +4

+12 Melee, +1 Crystal Short Sword, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2 +10/+10 Melee, +1 Crystal Short Sword/+1 Crystal Short Sword, 1d6+1/1d6+1, 19-20/x2 +11 Ranged, Composite Shortbow, 1d6, 20/x3, 70'r

Medium, 5'7" tall, 128 lbs, 18 yrs old Red hair, Blue eyes, pale skin

Speaks Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Undercommon

+14 Bluff (9+2) +17 Decipher Script (9+2) +15 Disable Device (9+2) +19 Hide (9+2) +10 Listen (9+2) +10 Knowledge (the Planes) (4cc + 2) +17 Move Silently (9+2) +15 Open Lock (9+2) +3 Perform (dance) (1+1) +15 Search (9+2) +10 Spot (9+2) +15 Tumble (9) +12 Use Magic Device (9+2)


  • Two-weapon Fighting (1st level)
  • Weapon Finesse (3rd level)
  • Two-weapon Defence (6th level)
  • World Weary (bonus feat)

Teifling Traits[edit]

  • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
  • Darkvision 60'
  • +2 on Bluff and Hide checks
  • Darkness 1/day (CL 8)
  • Resistance to cold, electricity, and fire 5

Rogue Abilities[edit]

  • Proficiency with light armor
  • Proficiency with simple weapons, plus hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword
  • Trapfinding
  • Sneak Attack +3d6
  • Evasion
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Trap Sense +2

Gatecrasher Abilities[edit]

  • Analyze Portal 2/day
  • Bonus Language
  • Comprehension (+2 insight bonus on Decipher Script and Use Magic Device checks; +2 insight bonus searching for or disabling magic traps)

Kieranna was born in Sigil, the City of Doors, and grew up in the Hive Ward, the poorest and most run-down section of the city. She never knew her father, and she's glad of it; all she knows of him is that he's a half-fiend who raped her mother. She was never very well off; her intelligence and agility was quickly noticed by one of the local street gangs, and she wound up a theif. One day, going about the business of swiping a bit of jink off of some bobbers, she stumbled through a portal, and wound up on Greyhawk, where she was soon captured by slavers. Having hidden some lock picks in a particular body cavity, she assisted the rest in escaping. Since then, she and the group have been on a number of adventures, and she's acquired the sort of loot that she could previously only dream of. Maybe this is what being a planewalker's like.

Being from the Planes, she tends to view the Prime (and those who live there) with a certain amused sense of superiority. She knew more about the real world as a child than most of their scholars do, after all. She also looks at worship with an eye towards the practical; she'll worship anyone who might help her. Given her occupation, that's mostly gods of trickery and theivery, though she does have a few unholy symbols of various archfiends. She's no dark cultist, though; the most she's ever done for any Power is sacrificing a chicken or two. Overall, she has a practical mindset; she'll do what she needs to do to survive and retain her freedom. She's not very trusting by nature, given the enviroment she grew up in, but she has learned to trust the other party members, over the course of their adventures.

Unless she's using her Hat of Disguise, she looks like a skinny girl, who is a bit on the short side. Her bright red hair is worn short, and a pair of ram's horns curl up from her forehead and up around her ears, which are slightly pointed. Her bright blue eyes have pupils slit like a cat, and her legs resemble those of a large dog. A ratlike tail descends from her rear, and she is clad in a set of fairly simple, if rather dark colored clothes. Her bright silver mithril shirt is covered by her leather overtunic, and her dark green cloak is pinned by a small copper clasp. Around her waist is a dark leather belt, from which her swords and a few wands hang. Slung over her shoulders are a well-made bow, a quiver of arrows, and a leather backpack with various arcane symbols embroidered into the material. When she is using her Hat of Disguise, she can look like nearly anything, as long as it's basically humanoid.

+1 Mithral Shirt (worn, 10 lbs.) Explorer's Outfit (worn, -lbs)

+1 Crystal Short Sword (belt left, 2 lbs.) +1 Crystal Short Sword (belt right, 2 lbs.) Wand of Faerie Fire (25 charges) (belt front, - lbs.) Wand of Charm Person (25 charges) (belt front, - lbs.) Wand of Ray of Frost (50 charges) (belt front, - lbs.)

Composite Shortbow (left shoulder, 2 lbs.) Quiver of 20 Arrows (right shoulder, 3 lbs.) Heward's Handy Haversack (center back, 5 lbs.)

Hat of Disguise (head, - lbs.) Dark Green Cloak (worn, - lbs.) Dark Blue Linen Shirt (worn, - lbs.) About a dozen wooden holy symbols (neck, -lbs.) Ring of Feather Falling (left index finger, - lbs.) Leather Belt (worn, - lbs.)

2 Waterskins- water (backpack, 16 lbs) 5 Torches (backpack, 5 lbs) Flint & Steel (backpack, - lbs) Trail Rations- 14 days (backpack, 7 lbs) Bedroll (backpack, 5 lbs.) 50' of Silk Rope (backpack, 5 lbs.) Grappling hook (backpack, 4 lbs) Arcane Key (left pouch, -wt) Grey Ioun Stone w/ Everlasting Flame cast on it (left pouch, - wt) Mastercraft Theives' Tools (left pouch, 2 lbs.) Inkpen (left pouch, - lbs.) Black ink, 2 flasks (left pouch, - lbs.) Green ink, 1 flask (left pouch, - lbs.) Chalk, 10 peices (left pouch, - lbs.) Potion of Jump, x2 (left pouch, - lbs.) Potion of Reduce Person (left pouch, - lbs.) Potion of Pass Without Trace x2 (left pouch, - lbs.) Soap, 1 lb. (right pouch, 1 lb.) Spellbook (right pouch, 3 lbs.) Coin purse (right pouch, .5 lbs) Scroll of Snare (right pouch, - lbs.) Scroll of Invisibility x2 (right pouch, - lbs.) Coins- 13gp, 15sp, 50cp (coin purse, 1.5 lbs)</nowiki>