Midnight RPG - Chapter 30.111

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Within the Cadaverous Eye

While within this artifact of massive necromantic power these are the things that Kyuad learned...
BILL: feel free to ask any questions you have regarding Kyuad's knowledge base from being joined with (or in) the Eye. I'll answer the questions as best I can. Some may be purposely confusing or incomplete. First I'll try and note all the things we talked about to collect your info gained...

Near Perfect Undeath

The matriarch of dragonkind, the beast on wing, death incarnate, the Wrath of Shadow, Zardrix is our greatest success. A gift given unknowningly by our masters to the Fallen One, the Hate of Aryth. An ultimate success of undeath, created by the device of our master's whims. Who then is the true gods of Aryth, that which revolts from the light or they that hold the beacon, allowing the Enemy to cast Shadow? Yes... it is with this that the world will come to destiny, the culmination of our master's work. The body not killed, living but dead within. The mind surpressed from feelings of heart. What became of her is - "living undeath". What pulses and pumps the dread ichor within her veins then if heart is lost? So comes the next incarnation of a plan set in motion when the world was young...
There is a great and grotesque necromantic experiment walking the lands of the world. Yet her black blood moves as with the tethered dead, the fuels of unlife. However the demand on the body of the beast yet beckons, two and ten times the worth of replunishment of feast and dream is call for the Wrath to maintain the Thing on Wings - lest the clutches be lost... For her neck is as thick and long as a maudrial tree, and her wingspan could cover an entire village. She trails smoke, fire, and darkness behind, and an unearthly roar precedes, heralding the destruction that she will wreak.
But the masters may now fear even themselves knowing that the cutting of the pump from her breast is long lost by the powers of those of Black Blood, this Claws of Zardrix is lost to mankind. Yet she is still a tool to more than one, the near perfect undeath.