The Hopewell Foundation

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The Hopewell Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental think-tank founded by the Main Cast to be the premiere advocate for Survivor rights and the central network for postive global use of The Survivors' abilities.

Business Plan - A Work In Progress

Like other think-tanks of its type, the Hopewell Foundation employs a number of scholars who do research and perform consultations for corporations, governments, militaries and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Hopewell Foundation charges a fee for its consulting work, and this fee is assessed on a sliding scale of financial need; those who are least able to pay for the Foundation's services are charged the least, while those with more readily available funds are charged more.

The Foundation's consulting contracts also stipulate that should consultation with the Hopewell Foundation directly results in the development of a new technology (for example a new drug, metalic alloy or computer chip), the Foundation receives 35% ownership of that technology (and, thus, 35% of profits resulting from it) and has the right to buy an unlimited amount of samples of said technology from its manufacturer at cost.

As an NGO, the Hopewell Foundation also has a strong development (i.e. fundraising) mandate and seeks out donations from corporations and private citizens, as well as applys for government (foreign and domestic) and private grants.