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Common Disciplines

Dian Xue (Acupoint Sealing)

All of these techniques require a minimum rank in the Healing skill equal to the point cost of the technique as a prerequisite. For purposes of this prerequisite, an Expert die counts as two ranks and a Master die counts as three. These techniques can be used in combat as an unarmed strike, but this is extremely difficult. This requires a Called Shot to be declared to the necessary hit location, with an additional -2d penalty (on top of the standard penalty for a Called Shot), and the strike cannot be part of a multiple action - even if the character possesses techniques that allow him to perform multiple actions without a penalty. Also, none of these techniques will work through any form of AR, and none of them will work on a non-human target. (At the GM's discretion, characters with the Expert Veterinarian skill may be able to substitute their ranks in that skill for Healing in order to modify these techniques to work on non-supernatural creatures.)

Because of these restrictions, these techniques are rarely used in the middle of an actual fight, and tend to be used most often either to incapacitate a surrendering opponent, or to turn a surprise attack into an immediate takedown.

  • Inflict Pain (1 point): Causes a flare of intense pain that imposes a -1d penalty on all of the target's actions for a number of combat rounds equal to the success Width.
  • Muscle Seizure (2 points): The muscles in the affected hit location seize up, causing paralysis for a number of minutes equal to the Width of the resulting success times the character's ranks in Healing. When applied to the head, this technique does not cause unconsciousness but instead renders the target mute. When applied to the torso, this renders the target completely immobile from the neck down.
  • Blackout (3 points): Must be delivered to either the head or torso. This technique deals Shock damage to the affected location equal to the Width of the success times the Healing skill rank of the user. (For purpose of this technique an Expert die counts as two ranks and a Master die as three.)
  • Joint Break (4 points) Must be delivered to a limb. Destroys the knee or elbow joint, rendering the limb barely usable (-2d penalty to all relevant actions) permanently. (Or until treated by a medicinal Esoteric Discipline that can reverse the effects of a shattered joint.)
  • Death Touch (5 points): Must be delivered to either the head or torso. This technique deals Killing damage to the affected location equal to the Width of the success times the Healing skill rank of the user. (For purpose of this technique an Expert die counts as two ranks and a Master die as three.)

Nei Gong (Internal Energy)

Qing Gong (Lightness Skill)

  • All Directions (1 point): You never suffer a multiple action penalty from combining an action to run, jump, tumble, or maintain balance in precarious footing with another action. For example, you could make a Run roll to cover ground, an Athletics roll to execute a triple somersault to clear a pit as part of your movement, an Athletics roll to maintain balance after landing your flip on top of a narrow pole, and then a Sword roll to attack an opponent near that position without suffering a penalty on any of these rolls. You still suffer multiple action penalties for attempting more than one action that does not have to do with movement or acrobatics, however.
  • Flawless Step (2 points): You never have to make an Athletics roll to maintain your balance on any surface that can support your weight. You may combine a Dodge attempt with other actions without suffering a multiple action penalty. (Attempting to make more than one Dodge attempt still incurs a multiple action penalty for each additional Dodge past the first one.)
  • Cloud Ladder (3 points): Your jumping abilities are greatly increased. You can jump about ten feet vertically or twenty feet horizontally (forty feet horizontally with a running start). You can spring off of surfaces too fragile to support your weight for up to three jumps but after that must land on normal footing.
  • Unparalleled Lightness (4 points): You can now jump about twenty feet vertically or forty feet horizontally (eighty feet with a running start). You can stand on surfaces that could not support your weight indefinitely, as long as they are solid (such as slender tree branches, taut silk awnings, etc). In addition, your running speed is doubled.
  • Water Skimming (5 points): Your running speed is tripled. Also, you can spring off of liquid surfaces for up to three jumps, but after three jumps must come to land on a surface that you would be able to stand on using Unparalleled Lightness.

= List of Sects and Associated Disciplines

  • Ancient Tomb
  * Fist of Beauties
  * Five Venoms Manual
  * Gold Needles of Jade Bee
  * Jade Maiden Swordplay
  * Long Sash of Gold Bells
  * Palm of Infinity Web
  * Silver Needles of Freezing Soul
  * Triple Non-Existent Hands

Beggar Sect

Dog Beating Stick

  • Dog's Back Slant Beating
  • Poke Back Dog Butt
  • Stirring Rash Dog
  • No Mercy Stick Poke
  • No Dogs Under Heaven

Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

  • Dragon Sighted In The Field
  • Flying Dragon From Above
  • Geese Gradually Land
  • Leaping Into Abyss
  • Ram Hits The Fence
  • Submerged Dragon Shall Not Be Disturbed

Fists of the Free

Ming Cult

Black Ice Palm

Eagle Claws

Universal Grand Shift


Mongolian Archery

Mongolian Horsemanship

Mongolian Wrestling

Peach Blossom Island

Divine Finger Flick

Fallen Hero Palm

Jade Flute Swordplay

Quanzhen Sect

Big Dipper Formation

Breaking Ice Palms

Common Demise Swordplay

Pre-Heaven Skill

Treading Frost Palm

Two Hands Technique

Vacant Fist

Shaolin Temple

Diamond Invulnerable Body

Dragon Claws

Golden Finger

Vajra Demon Taming Circle

White Camel Mountain

Backwards Nine Yin

Divine Toad Stance

Snake Staff Technique

Wu-Tang Clan

Long Punch

Tai Chi Fist

Tai Chi Sword

Unique Disciplines

Divine Melancholy Palms

Dragon and Elephant Prana

Heavy Iron Sword

Jinx Palm

Nine Yang Internals

Nine Yin Internals

Nine Yin White-Bone Claw

Seven Wounds Fist

Solitary Finger