ReignWulin:Main Page

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Rules Information[edit]

Million Style Modifications

General Setting Information[edit]

Wulin Culture[edit]

Notes on the Jiang Hu and Wulin subcultures.

Tier Rankings

Common Disciplines[edit]

These Esoteric Disciplines are all taught by all of the various sects. Although specific methods and terminology for accomplishing these feats will differ between sects, for purposes of gameplay convenience they can be represented with the same systems, since the end result tends to be about the same. Note that the degree to which a sect's kung fu has developed these disciplines will vary from sect to sect, and a GM may wish to restrict purchasing the higher levels of one of these disciplines to characters whose background would merit it. For example, the Ancient Tomb and Iron Palm sects are known for having particularly advanced lightness skills.

Dian Xue (Acupoint Sealing)[edit]

  • Inflame Acupoint (1 point): Adds +1d to any torture roll (see pg 79). Can be used in combat, but only with an unarmed strike, and this requires a Called Shot to be declared. If successful, the target loses two dice off of one of his sets instead of the normal one.
  • Seal Acupoint (2 points): Completely immobilizes the subject (but leaves them conscious and aware of their surroundings). Can be used in combat, but only with an unarmed strike and a successful Called Shot to the torso. The effect can be resisted with a successful Body+Vigor roll. This technique also has a medicinal use: by sealing your target's acupoints you can delay the onset of effects of any poison or illness they may be suffering. (This still leaves them paralyzed, however.)
  • Acupoint Manipulation (3 points): You can perform all of the functions of the Healing skill using nothing by acupoint manipulation (see, again, pg 79). They still require the same amount of time, but this obviates the need for tools, supplies, and common medicines. In addition, you can cancel the effects of the Seal Acupoint technique with a single combat action.
  • Acupoint Mastery (4 points): As Seal Acupoint, except the Body+Vigor roll to resist the technique is against a Difficulty equal to your ranks in Healing. (For purposes of this Difficulty an Expert Die counts as two ranks and a Master Die as three.)
  • Jinx Palm (5 points): On a successful Called Shot to the torso (using an unarmed strike), you can poison a target's Chi. The condition this inflicts is treated as a poison (see pg 296) with a Potency equal to your Knowledge+Healing, a Major Effect of death in 24 hours, and a Minor Effect of automatically failing all Vigor rolls until the poison is somehow treated. Attempts to treat the poison without using Acupoint Manipulation are at Difficulty 8.
  • Lucky for him when Ouyang Feng sealed her acupoint he did not use too much energy; he was trying to conserve his energy because he anticipated Hong Qigong's attack, otherwise Guo Jing would not be able to unseal the Western Poison's sealed acupoint.

Nei Gong (Internal Energy)[edit]

  • Healthful Practices (1 point): You may substitute your Knowledge stat for your Body stat on any Vigor roll.
  • Invigoration Stance (2 points): Once per day, you may make a Body+Vigor roll to regain Shock damage. You may do this even if you have not rested, and if you have rested, this grants you a second roll.
  • Blossom Exhalation (3 points): Any time you fail an Endurance roll due to physical exertion, you may reroll using your Vigor skill.
  • Cleansing Respiration (4 points): You ignore all Difficulties when rolling Vigor to resist disease, poison, or harmful chi effects.
  • Supple Power (5 points): You may roll Vigor instead of Body+Athletics for any roll involving physical strength. You may also add 1 Shock to the damage of any of your unarmed strikes.

Qing Gong (Lightness Skill)[edit]

  • Flawless Step (1 point): You never have to make an Athletics roll to maintain your balance or to successfully execute an acrobatic maneuver. This does not allow you to jump further than normally humanly possible or otherwise perform "impossible" feats.
  • All Directions (2 points): You never suffer a multiple action penalty from combining any movement action (such as running, jumping, or tumbling) with another action. This explicitly includes Dodge.
  • Cloud Ladder (3 points): Your falling damage is always reduced by 2 per location (Shock first, then Killing). You can make impossible leaps of up to your Body+Athletics in feet vertically or twice that distance horizontally. (If you do not have enough horizontal movement, even after rolling Run, to cover your horizontal jump distance in a single turn, that means you end the turn in mid-air.)
  • Unparalleled Lightness (4 points): Your falling damage is always reduced to 1 Shock to each leg. Your standard movement rate increases to 20 feet and your jumping distance triples, increasing to Body+Athletics in yards.
  • Water Skimming (5 points): You can travel across surfaces that are not physically capable of supporting your weight (such as slender branches, or even water), but you must end each turn standing on stable footing. In addition, when using Run to increase your movement speed, each point of Width counts for 10 feet instead of 5.
  • His left foot flicked up against the wall and he flew up over ten feet. His right foot followed and he rose up another ten feet. Very few people were proficient in this “Stairs to Heaven” technique. Even those who were well versed in it could only manage two or three feet per step; but on this slippery wall, each step of Guo Jing’s took him over ten feet. Guo Jing’s martial arts were frighteningly good. Silence broke out on the battlefield as everyone fixed their eyes on him. However, Jinlun Fawang knew that when one uses the “Stairs to Heaven”, they must make their leap in one breath.

Iron Body[edit]

  • ‘Iron Corpse’ appeared to have, effectively, a body of iron! They knew that she had succeeded in pushing the resistance of her body to an extreme. Apart the sharpened tip of Zhang Ahsheng’s large knife and the sword of Han Xiaoying, she seemed to not fear any of the other weapons.
  • “All those that practice the iron body technique,” Zhu Cong thought, “must possess a nodal practice location which is impossible for them to protect using this technique. This point is particularly vulnerable and a small touch is sufficient to severely wound or kill them...

Musical Combat[edit]

  • He was pondering in his heart what had these two instruments – the iron zither and the jade flute, had to do with martial arts? They sounded so evil to him; how could the sound affect other people's heart and mind? At first he was too busy circulating his 'qi' and calming his heart and mind, but gradually he was able to control himself and was able to follow the movements of flute and zither sounds. A little while later he started to realize that those two sounds were actually battling each other. When one sound was on the offensive, the other took a defensive position; sometimes one was attacking the other furiously, while the other blocking the attack while waiting for a good opportunity to counterattack; really it was no different than a battle between two martial arts masters.

Unique Disciplines[edit]

These are uncommon disciplines that are either one-off inventions practiced only by their originator, have origins lost to history, or otherwise stand on their own without belonging to the portfolio of one of the established sects.

Nine Yin Manual[edit]

The various obscure and powerful techniques detailed in the Nine Yin Manual.


Sects of the Wulin[edit]

One Roll Chargen[edit]

2x1 Basic Palm Skills: +1 COORDINATION, +3 Unarmed Strike, +1 Grapple, first level of palm-based martial art 2x2 Basic Weapon Skills: +1 COORDINATION, +2 Weapon, +2 Parry, +1 Possession (a weapon) 2x3 Basic Qing Gong: +1 COORDINATION, +2 Dodge, +1 Athletics, +1 Run, first level of Qing Gong
3x1 Better Palm Skills: +1 Unarmed Strike, +1 Grapple, +1 Vigor, second level of martial art 3x2 Better Weapon Skills: +1 Weapon, +1 Parry, first and second level of weapon-based martial art 3x3 Better Qing Gong: +1 Dodge, +1 Athletics, +1 Run, second level of Qing Gong
4x1 Advanced Palm Skills: +ED Unarmed Strike, third level of martial art 4x2 Advanced Weapon Skills: +ED Weapon, third level of martial art 4x3 Advanced Qing Gong: +ED Dodge, third level of Qing Gong
5x1 Palm Skill Mastery: Unarmed Strike ED becomes MD 5x2 Weapon Skill Mastery: Weapon ED becomes MD 5x3 Qing Gong Mastery: Dodge ED becomes MD
2x4 Basic Internal Skills: +1 KNOWLEDGE, +2 Vigor, +2 Endurance, first level of Nei Gong 2x5 Basic Medical Skills: +1 KNOWLEDGE, +2 Healing, +2 Expert Herbalist, first level of medical discipline 2x6 Lived in the Wilds: +1 SENSE, +2 Student of Wilderness, +2 Climb, +1 Direction
3x4 Studied in Reclusion: +2 Student of Philosophy, +1 Vigor, second level of Nei Gong 3x5 Learned Dian Xue: +1 Healing, +1 Lore, first and second levels of Dian Xue 3x6 Survived by Hunting: +2 Bow, +2 Scrutinize, +1 Student of Wilderness
4x4 Became an Ordained Priest: +1 Vigor, +1 Status, third level of Nei Gong 4x5 Chi Manipulation Secrets: +1 Healing, +1 Lore, third level of Dian Xue 4x6 At Home in the Wild: +ED Scrutinize, +ED Student of Wilderness, +1 Direction
5x4 Obtained Self Mastery: +1 Fascinate, fourth level of Nei Gong 5x5 Became a Famous Healer: +1 Healing, +2 Wealth, second level of medical discipline 5x6 Forgot About Civilization: +ED Bow, +2 Hearing, +1 Climb
2x7 Trained as a Soldier: +1 BODY, +2 Fight, +2 Parry, +1 Tactics 2x8 Ran Away From Home: +1 CHARM, +2 Plead, +2 Stealth, +1 Lie 2x9 Raised by Highborn Parents: +1 COMMAND, +3 Graces, +1 Lore, +1 Wealth
3x7 Marched into Battle: +2 Intimidate, +2 Tactics, +1 Fight 3x8 Lived by Stealing: +ED Lie, +ED Stealth, +1 Fascinate 3x9 Educated in the Classics: +2 Lore, +2 Strategy, +1 Inspire
4x7 Raised to Generalship: +2 Ride, +2 Possession, +1 Status 4x8 Became a Notable Thief: +2 Stealth, +1 Fascinate, +2 Wealth 4x9 Family Was Truly Wealthy: +3 Wealth, +1 Status, +1 Followers
5x7 Won a Great Victory: +ED Fight, +1 Ride, +1 Intimidate, +1 Status 5x8 Stole Something Important: Stealth ED becomes MD 5x9 Became a Dynastic Official: +ED Strategy, +3 Status
2x0 Had a Normal Childhood: +1 CHARM, +2 Haggle, +1 Jest, +1 Expert in some craft 1 Guest at Mongolian Camp: +3 Grapple, +1 Perform (Dance), +1 Language (Mongolian) 2 Father Was a Swordsmith: +2 Sword, +2 Expert Swordsmith, +1 Possession
3x0 Learned a Useful Trade: +ED Expert, +1 Haggle, +2 Wealth 3 Raised by a Theater Troupe: +3 Perform, +2 Dodge 4 Survived a Catastrophe: +3 Endurance, +1 Vigor, Thick-Headed
4x0 Became a Successful Merchant: +2 Empathy, +1 Haggle, +1 Language, +1 Wealth 5 Hit By Jinx Palm: +2 Healing, first two levels of medical discipline 6 Took a Great Journey: +2 Direction, +2 Languages, +1 Fascinate
5x0 Built a Trade Empire: +ED Haggle, +2 Wealth, +1 Followers 7 Bullied as Child: +2 Fight, +2 Run, +1 Plead 8 Clandestine Love Affair: +2 Lie, +2 Stealth, +1 Beauty
9 Beneficent Patron: +3 Patron, +2 Wealth 0 Befriended Your Captors: +2 Empathy, +2 Jest, +1 Fascinate 1 Met a Foreign Master: +3 Unarmed Strike, +1 Language, first level of a really weird martial art
2 Found Sword Devil's Tomb: +5 Sword 3 Had to Run Away: +2 Endurance, +2 Run, +1 Athletics 4 Disguised Yourself as a Monk: +2 Lie, +2 Student of Philosophy, +1 Plead
5 Trained as an Assassin: +2 Healing, first two levels of Dian Xue 6 Solved a Mystery: +3 Scrutinize, +1 Empathy, +1 Sight 7 Became Infamous: +4 Intimidate, +1 Fight
8 Orphaned by Slaughter: +3 Stealth, +2 Lie 9 Virtuous Parents: +3 Graces, +2 Inspire 0 Found a Lost Treasure: +2 Haggle, +3 Wealth

If Wealth goes over 5, apply the excess to Status instead. If that goes over 5 too, then start applying the bonuses to Followers. The more dice you preset to numbers 1 through 4 the more like a typical wuxia character your skillset will be. Example rolls for the protagonists of the Condor Trilogy when they are at about "starting character" level:

  • Guo Jing: 1 (Guest at Mongolian Camp), 4x6 (At Home in the Wild), 5x7 (Won a Great Victory), 9 (Virtuous Parents)
  • Huang Rong: 2x1 (Fallen Hero Palm), 2x3 (Qing Gong), 6 (Took a Great Journey), 2x8 (Ran Away From Home), 4x9 (Family Was Truly Wealthy)
  • Yang Guo: 3x1 (Toad Stance), 3x2 (Quanzen Sword), 2x3 (Qing Gong), 7 (Bullied as a Child), 2x8 (Ran Away From Home)
  • Zhang Wuji: 2x1 (Wudang Punch), 2x3 (Cloud Ladder), 3x4 (Nine Yang), 5 (Hit By Jinx Palm), 2x6 (Lived in the Wild), 9 (Virtuous Parents)