Avengers Comics Issue

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Avengers #5[edit]

"The Coming of the Avengers"
By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers.
Line Up: Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Giant-Man and the Wasp
Guest Stars: The Hulk
Villains: Lava Men.
So what happens?:
As the Avengers try and get on with their personal lives they are rocked by a series of ground tremors that seem to be coming from the American South West. They suspect the Hulk but they are in fact being caused by a huge glowing green rock that has broken through the surface near Gamma Base.
As the Avengers and Thunderbolt Ross investigate we learn that the rock is seemingly growing and has been pushed to the surface by the Lava Men. We learn that the Lava Men had been divided about what to do with the rock, with their Witch Doctor, Jinku, overruling Molto, the only Lava Man to have visited the surface. Iron Man blasts the ground around the rock sending shock waves through the Lava Men's tunnels.
The Avengers break into the tunnels but only Thor can cross the molten lava they find there and while he speaks to the Lava Men the other Avengers back off to save Iron Man's overheating armor.
Thor learns that any attempt to destroy the rock will cause it to explode, blowing up the world. The Lava Men hope that by sending it to the surface it will just destroy humanity and keep them alive.
Hank and Bruce Banner both examine the stone looking for ways to destroy it harmlessly and while Hank comes up with a solution the stress of the situation and the vibrations of the stone change Bruce into the Hulk. Hank tricks the Hulk into striking the one safe spot on the stone causing it implode and save the day.
As Thor breaks through to the surface, Betty Ross tends to the injured Bruce Banner, and the Avengers get a radio call about another crisis.
So is it any good?:
The central plot is in itself rather silly with the solution of there being one safe spot that will defuse the expanding rock wouldn't pass inspection today. However everything else is very well handled. Lee references the earlier Lava Men story by having Molto, who met Thor in that story, argue on the side of humanity. He also makes good use of the various Avengers, Thor alone is able to function under the ground, the others have to help in other ways.
The Hulk is present yet again as are his supporting cast. Lee seems to be trying to keep them fresh in the readers minds in case he gets another chance to give him a series. He would turn up next in Spider-Man 14 and got his own series 5 months after this story.
So it is an enjoyable, well drawn, well plotted story. The Avengers get to function as a team and for the first time do more than battle other heroes. (Thor tackled Loki solo for all but the last page of #1 while the others fought the hulk) Despite some dated plot elements it is a good read.
Are there any goofy moments?
At one point Hank picks up a helicopter and uses it's rotor blades to cool a lava stream.
Avengers Facts:
  • The Lava Men had previously shown up in Thor and were one of the earliest hidden civilizations in the Marvel Universe.
  • The Witch Doctor's mask from this story ended up on Champion's wall in the current run.
  • Playboy Tony Stark is shown smoking in this story, these days the only time Marvel characters smoke it is cigars and it is a sign that they are rough and ready types like Wolverine.
  • The Wasp and Giant Man are shown with spotlights attached to the cowls of their costumes for seeing inside anthills. A sensible addition that probably got dropped because it looks slightly dopey
Where can I read it?:
It is reprinted in the Essentials and Masterworks volumes and in Avengers annual 4 (both of which I own if you'd like to reread).

Avengers #??[edit]

Avengers #??[edit]

Avengers #??[edit]