Karas Fal
Karas Fal is a character played by Oriong in Xaos's Eberron PBP game "The Path To Xoriat" on RPG.net.
Karas Fal, Valenar Elf 6th level Swordsage (pg. 15 Tome of Battle)
Ability Scores
St-19 Dex-18 Con-10 Int-10 Wis-16 Cha-8
HD: 6d8+6 (54 hp) Speed: 30 ft AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +3 Wisdom, +5 Chain Shirt) Initiative +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Quick to Act) Attack: +8 Melee (1d6+7, Double-Scimitar), +8 Melee (1d6+4, Off hand) Ranged Attack: +9 Ranged (1d8, longbow) Saves: Fort +3, Will +9 Ref+10 SA: Insightful Strike (+3 to damage for Desert Wind Strikes)
Weapon Focus (Desert Wind weapons), Two Weapon Fighting, Extra Readied Manuever (pg. 30 ToB), Adaptive Style (pg. 28 ToB)
Balance+10, Climb+6, Concentration+10, Hide+9, Jump+15, Listen+8, Martial Lore+4, Move Silently+9, Ride+8, Sense Motive+6, Spot+5, Tumble+16
Maneuvers and Stances
Bold maneuvers are the ones readied by default.
Burning Blade (Desert Wind/Boost) adds 1d6+level fire damage (pg. 52 ToB) Insightful Strike (Diamond Mind/Strike) Make a concentration check in place of damage. (pg. 63) Shadow Blade Technique (Shadow Hand/Strike) Make 2 attacks, lowest roll may deal bonus cold damage. (pg. 78) Claw at the Moon (Tiger Claw/Strike) Jump roll for +2d6 damage. (pg. 86) Wolf Fang Strike (Tiger Claw/Strike) Attack with two weapons Sudden Leap (Tiger Claw/Boost) Make a jump as a free action (pg. 89) Wind Stride (Desert Wind/Boost) add +10 to speed. (pg. 56) Flashing Sun (Desert Wind/Strike): full attack with an extra attack, all attacks take -2. (pg. 54) Emerald Razor (Diamond Mind/Strike) Make a melee attack as a touch attack. (pg.63) Fan The Flames (Desert Wind/Strike) 6d6 fire damage as a ranged touch attack. (pg. 53) Soaring Raptor Strike (Tiger Claw/Strike) +6d6 damage against larger foe. (pg. 89)
Flame's Blessing (Desert Wind)- grants fire resistance 10 (pg. 53)
Child of Shadow (Shadow Hand)- grants concealment while moving (pg. 76)
Leaping Dragon Stance (Tiger Claw)- +10 to jump and always considered running. (pg 88)
+1/+1 Double Scimitar (counting both ends as one magic item)
+1 Chain Shirt
+1 Cloak of Resistance, can I use the leftover gp for potions and such?
Cloak of the Desert Wind (Zephyr Dance)
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Masterwork Mighty (+4) Composite Longbow, w/20 arrows