Issue Plot Building 1888 - 4
- Amahl Farouk. The Shadow Khedive of Cairo. Head of the Cairo Underworld and reputed dark sorcerer. Klaue had dealings with Farouk before Klaue departed for the darkest parts of the continent. Farouk will offer the party assistance in tracking Klaue if they agree to find his kidnapped bride, Ororo.
Ororo is not actually Farouk's bride, but the queen of a large and powerful tribe. She is also their High Priestess to the Storm Goddess. Farouk wants to control her so he can control the tribe and the land they posses, where the Tomb of En Sabah Nur lies. What complicates matters further is that Ororo is already the promised bride of another, King T'Challa, the Panther King of Wakanda.
- Klaue wishes to capture Ororo so he can ransom her to T'Challa for more Vibranium.
- Amahl Farouk. The Shadow Khedive of Cairo. Head of the Cairo Underworld and reputed dark sorcerer. Klaue had dealings with Farouk before Klaue departed for the darkest parts of the continent. Farouk will offer the party assistance in tracking Klaue if they agree to find his kidnapped bride, Ororo.
- Other characters you could use'
- Enrich Killmonger: The Wakandan Exile who was schooled in Prussia for many years. It is rumored he was an aid to Bismark himself. Killmonger plans to return to Wakanda and claim the throne. Then he will use the advanced Wakandan technology to conquer the world. He draws allies from the White Gorilla Cult, a sinister group who gain power through cannibalization of their foes.
- The Baron Sergei Kravenoff: a big game hunter who wishes to hunt the most dangerous game. He is aided by his giant henchman Aleksei, who reputedly uses a mixture of rhino horn and herbs to grant himself superhuman strength (Kraven the Hunter and The Rhino)
- Ahmet Abdol, the Pharaoh Reborn: a man who claims to be the reincarnation of the Great Pharaoh Rama-Tut. He has amassed a large cult around himself. He also has a servant of an animated mummy, called N'Kantu. (The Living Monolith and The Living Mummy)
- The Fist of Konshu: a caped demon that haunts the criminals of Cairo (Moon Knight)
- The Bushman: the brutal chief of the Burunda tribe, who often work as mercenaries for unscrupulous imperialists. He is recognizable for the white deaths head he paints on his face before battle. (Bushman, Moon Knight's old rival).
- Dutch Genosha, the colony where the native mutants are slaves.
- Brother Drumm: For the more mystical minded there is the witch doctor, the most powerful Yoruban sorcerer.
the Mandarin[edit]
the Mandarin (Zhang Tong) explores the forbidden "Valley of Spirits," where no one has dared set foot for centuries. There he finds the skeleton and starship of Axonn-Karr, an intelligent dragon-like alien from the planet Maklu-4, who had come to Earth centuries ago and died. Over the following years, the Mandarin studies Makluan science until he masters it. He also learns how to use the ten rings he found within the starship which were apparently its propulsion source, among other things. The Mandarin then subjugates the villages around the Valley, and, through his advanced science, rapidly becomes a power that not even the Chinese Army could successfully challenge. He then embarks on a long series of attempts to achieve world domination. The Mandarin later schemes to turn the Great Vibranium Mound of Wakanda into Type II Vibranium which destroys the molecular cohesion of metals. He also tries to destroy China's entire rice crop in an attempt to provoke war.
The "Four-Corners" region of the United States: Where Marshal will always consider home. The Four Corners is the intersection of the four U.S. states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona and the high desert plateau region surrounding that point in the southwestern United States. This is the only point in the United States where four states touch. Three of the four state corners are on the Navajo Indian Reservation.
The Sarcee is a First Nation in Canada. Their territory is adjacent to the southwest city limits of Calgary, Alberta. The Sarsi or Sarcee, words which are believed to have been derived from a Blackfoot word meaning boldness and hardiness.
(Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen) Twoyoungmen studied Sarcee magic, eventually becoming strong enough in his belief to draw mystical items from his enchanted medicine bag at will. He adopted the title and garb of Shaman. Several years later, Shaman assisted in the birth of Snowbird, the product of a mystical union between a human and the goddess Nelvanna. Shaman cast spells to bind Snowbird to the Earthly realm. a vision of Ranaq the Devourer, one of the Great Beasts.
Moonhunter, Zachary[edit]
Former pilot, Avengers Crew. An occult investigator who specialized in hunting werewolves, Moonhunter was enslaved by the Druid and freed by Captain America. At roughly the same time, pilot John Jameson resigned from the Avengers staff and Moonhunter applied successfully to replace him, serving primarily as personal pilot to Captain America. Moonhunter assisted Captain America and several other Avengers associates in a variety of missions, but apparently resigned from the team's service when Captain America was believed to be dying. His current whereabouts and activities are unrevealed.
The Apachean tribes were historically very powerful, constantly at enmity with the Spaniards and Mexicans for centuries. The first Apache raids on Sonora appear to have taken place during the late 17th century. The U.S. Army, in their various confrontations, found them to be fierce warriors and skillful strategists.
Apache - Camp Verde, Yavapai County, Arizona, United States. It is in the Verde River valley. To the south lie the Bradshaw Mountains. Camp Verde is surrounded by Prescott National Forest. The head of the Verde River begins below the dam that catches water from the Big Chino Wash and Williamson Valley Wash combining to create Sullivan Lake in Yavapai County, Arizona.
(John Proudstar) possesses the ability to become a variety of North American animals (and seems to lack the strength, speed, and durability of the comic version), much resembling Alpha Flight's Snowbird in that respect. Warpath (James Proudstar),
Michael Redstone[edit]
the strength of the Earth.
Thomas Fireheart, and he is of Native American descent. The tribe he belongs to (never named, but located in Hartsdale, Arizona) has had an ancient prophecy of the coming of a powerful being who might destroy the world for generations. Long ago, they began making preparations for this coming doom. They used mystic ceremonies and selective breeding to create a perfect warrior. Thomas Fireheart is the latest in this line of men. mastering his ability to turn into a powerful humanoid mountain lion werecat. it was revealed that both groups were actually being manipulated by the shape-changing Space Phantom.
America has produced a number of home grown prophets. In the wilds of Utah, few are stranger than the man known as Adam Warlock. What his original name is, is anyone's guess, but the declared Messiah has such outlandish claims as having been born fully grown and possessed of a body of what the 'Unsullen Man' looked like. It's easy to see why the uneducated frontiersmen would believe it for Adam is a pretty sight with his golden skin and hair. While I wasn't able to see much of his faith healings or ability to cast out demons, I did get to hear some of his bizarre predictions for the future. In the words of the bizarre man "An ancient evil rests beneath our waves! Sleeping horrors untold in strange eons with the power to strip our planet clean of all life! An evil as ancient as dread Cthon or the horrid Shug-Niggarauth! Only the gemstone of power can banish it!" He even set a specific date for three months in the future. Somehow, I think that he's going to look very foolish when the world doesn't end.
Marshal America's America[edit]
young Steven's tribal name. The Subject would not give us it's true pronunciation, but said only that it translated into english as "Star Bearer."
Until he was ordered to suppress an uprising in the Oregon territories. What exactly occurred is unclear, Subject refuses to discuss the matter, or even communicate in any way when asked about it. The little facts we have, indicate that his unit was killed to the last man, only the Subject survived. The native population they had been sent to deal with had also vanished completely, only a burned out husk of an encampment remained. Subject resigned in disgrace.
- Sharon Carter -Aide to Nick Fury(?). Cap's had trouble focusing since the train back in issue #1.... ((Durn it))
- "Cloudless Moon" -Cap's maternal grandfather. He passed on while Steve was still a young child, but he occasionally appears in dreams or if Steve really needs a hand, in a waking vision.
- Reginald "Buckshot" McClurg. -Every good Marshall needs a Deputy. Think of him as Bucky, with a shotgun. Note: Buckshot is still back in America, tracking down Tombstone, actually...
- Agent Smith -US Army Intelligence. 1880's equivalent of a CIA man. No sense of humor. Deadpan. You get the picture. He was Cap's source of intel and contact with the Government.
- Tesla, Nikola: One possible creator, though he may not trust Argo as it is a known associate of Hank Pym.
- Edison, Thomas: American inventor and pioneer in phonograph and sound technology. Argonaut may seek him out in order to attain a "voice."
Confederate Skull[edit]
(aka Johnny Red, real name John Smith) - Confederate Colonel who was cashiered for needless brutality towards the end of the Civil War. Has a vast network of terrorists to draw upon called "The Army of the New Confederacy". The Skull is obsessed with the destruction of the United States and the rebirth of this New Confederacy (we call call them the NeoCons for short! ^_~). Of course, he views the Confederate economic model as nearly perfect, if too lenient. He believes the status of slave should not just apply to the black man, but to all who don't share his vision. Note: Based on the SECOND Red Skull: Johann Schmidt.
Baron Karl Amadeus Mordo[edit]
Originally a Transylvanian nobleman (born in Varf Mandra), Mordo became a student of the Tibetan sorcerer known as the Ancient One. arl Mordo was the son of Nikolai Mordo, a Transylvanian nobleman (or boyar) who was made “Baron” when his lands fell under the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bitter over the Empire’s defeat after the war, its generals and politicians, and the encroachments of modern technology, Nikolai sought to restore Transylvania to its past glories via black magic. Dr. Estrange is no longer a member of the Masons for he has indeed uncovered a secret sect within, lead by Lord Mordo. Estrange trusted him, his medical teachings & certain 'advanced surgical procedure' which Estrange took part in. Steven discovered that he wasn't helping people but making slaves for Mordo's sinister cult, which Estrange only knows that they worship some being called "Dormammu". Fury maybe the one who helped him learn the truth about Mordo.
- MacDonald "Mac" Gargan a former private investigator hired by J. Jonah Jameson to, at first, discover the connection between Peter Parker and Spider-Man, and later as a means to destroy Spider-Man.
Ulysses Klaw[edit]

- Klaw is a british scientist who has just returned from a safari in Africa where he discovered a small sample of a strange metal which can produce powerful supersonic waves. He has already produced several tuning fork shaped devices from the metal he brought back which can direct the sound like a weapon, and he is planning to put together a second team to go back and get more of the material. What he hasnt told anyone is that
- he didnt find the material, he STOLE it from the isolated and technologically advanced African kingdom of Wakanda
- that he intends to sell the weapons to the highest bidder (among those bidding including HYDRA, The Mandarin, and the Hellfire club).
- The PC's could be members of the safari, sent by the crown to keep an eye on Klaw, or they could be on the trail of Klaw and his safari band (which primarily consists of four muscle bound thugs who refer to themselves as 'the wrecking crew') in order to bring them in for treason.
- The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (or SEG) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the science of geophysics and the education of exploration geophysicists. The Society fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near-surface, and in mitigating earth hazards. Geophysics, a branch of Earth sciences, is the study of the Earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic, electromagnetic, and radioactivity methods. The theories and techniques of geophysics are employed extensively in the planetary sciences in general.
- The British Army system of sale of commissions came under great scrutiny during the war, especially in connection with the Battle of Balaclava, which saw the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade, leading, eventually, to its abolition.
- Background
- Known Relatives: Colonel Fritz Klaue (father, deceased) Nazi officer.
- Alias: Ker-Nal" (Wakandan nickname)
- Fritz Klaue loved Greek mythology, and so named his infant son Ulysses.
Originally, Colonel Klaue possessed a left hand made of steel which he could use to strike at opponents. He could bring his fist down hard enough to smash through wood. Later, he had the hand modified by Dr. Enderle into a cybernetic replacement, strong enough to crush steel. The new hand contained a razor-sharp blade in its thumb, a poisoned dart in the index finger, a flame thrower in the middle finger, tear gas in the third finger, and a master key in the pinky finger.
Colonel Klaue was in charge of Festung von Furcht, where the jet-propelled plane Thunderer had been developed.
To regain lost favour with Hitler, Klaue led a mission to Africa, but his plane crashed in the country of Wakanda, and Klaue was the only survivor. Klaue was nursed back to health by the chieftain Chanda, and Klaue befriended him. Klaue was fascinated by the sacred mound in Wakanda, and named the metal found there vibranium. He had the Wakandans build the Panther Totem icon, demanding that they worship it as a god instead of a brother spirit. When Chanda refused, Klaue opened fire on him, and killed Chanda's wife Nanali. Chanda escaped into the jungles, and returned as the Black Panther, and defeated Klaue, ripping off his steel hand. Klaue fled Wakanda.
- Aliases: Ronald Pershing, Master of Sound, Murderous Master of Sound, Sound Master, Sultan of Sound
- Citizen of the Netherlands with a criminal record. PoB: Vlaardingen, Netherlands
- University degree in Physics - and geophysicist (a branch of Earth sciences, is the study of the Earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic, electromagnetic, and radioactivity methods. The theories and techniques of geophysics are employed extensively in the planetary sciences in general.), Klaw worked as a physicist in the field of applied sonics at the Technical University at Delft. He designed a sound converter, and theorized he would need Vibranium to utilize it.
- Former member of the Masters of Evil and Frightful Four (Hydro-Man, Titania, Trapster, Wizard)
- Wnwmies - Enemies: A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics)
- Ulysses Klaw was working as a physicist at the Technical University at Delft when he designed a sound transducer that was able to convert sound waves into physical matter. However, he needed an element known as Vibranium, which only existed in a small African country known as Wakanda. In order to obtain the needed amount, Klaw hired a group of mercenaries and traveled to Africa in search of it. He found the Wakandan tribe and their leader, T’Chaka, guarding the vibranium, which was part of their sacred mound. Klaw demanded that they give up the mound, but they refused and he ordered his men to kill T’Chaka. They gunned the chief down in front of his young son, T’Challa, who had never before witnessed gunfire. Klaw then used his superior weaponry to massacre the tribesmen and burn down their village. In response, T’Challa stole Klaw’s sound-blaster from one of Klaw’s men and turned it on him, shattering his hand.
Incensed by the Wakanda’s retaliation, Klaw returned to the Netherlands and vowed to return one day to exact revenge. To that end he created a sonic gun he called a force glove to replace his hand. Exactly ten years later, Klaw returned to Wakanda to find T’Challa in the guise of the Black Panther; ruling the tribe in his father’s place. With the help of the Fantastic Four and Wyatt Wingfoot, the Wakandans again repulsed Klaw. During the battle, the Panther fought Klaw face-to-face, eventually overloading his machines and left, believing him defeated.
In frustration, Klaw leapt into his own sonic converter in the hopes of giving himself the power to defeat his enemies. It worked and Klaw’s being turned to pure, living sound. Klaw later came after the Fantastic Four, trying to force them to bring him the Panther; but after a fight with the group, Mister Fantastic defeated Klaw when he radioed the Panther who sent him vibranium knuckles to absorb Klaw’s power, which Reed used to beat him into unconsciousness. The Thing then crushed his sonic-gun arm to disable him and they handed him over to the authorities. Klaw was freed from prison by the Crimson Cowl and invited to join the second grouping of the Masters of Evil. The new Masters of Evil eventually fought and captured the Avengers, but then were beaten and Klaw was again imprisoned, only to be set free and returned twice more.
Later, while traveling to Wakanda to attempt to steal a device that would strengthen the mental-disintegrating powers of Vibranium, Klaw was defeated by the Thing and the Human Torch, as well as the Black Panther. He was also briefly a member of the Frightful Four, invited by the Wizard. Klaw was defeated and thought destroyed many times afterwards, but every time he managed to rematerialize thanks to his body of living sound.
- Origin
- Ulysses Klaw is a Dutch physicist (born in Vlaardingen, Netherlands) working in the field of applied sonics at the Technical University at Delft, he designs a sound transducer able to convert sound waves into physical mass. The theoretical element necessary to make his device work is vibranium, a substance known to exist only in certain meteoric deposits in the small African nation of Wakanda. Desperate for a sample, Klaw organizes a team of mercenaries to help him seize the element from the African tribe who guarded it, the Wakandas. When T'Chaka, the leader of the Wakandan cult of the Black Panther, refuses to yield any of the metal from the sacred mound, Klaw orders his men to kill him. Witnessing his father's death, T'Chaka's adolescent son T'Challa seizes Klaw's sonic blaster weapon and aimed it at the marauders, shattering Klaw's right hand with one burst and scattering his troops with a second.
Driven away, Klaw vows to return and wreak vengeance. When he reaches civilization, Klaw has his mangled hand amputated and fitted with a claw-like prosthetic device into which he built a sonic-force blaster. Ten years later, he mounts a second attack on the Wakandas and is opposed by the Fantastic Four and T'Challa, now the Black Panther, who has succeeded his father as ruler. Thwarted again, Klaw leaps into his massive sonic converter device (the vibranium for which he had acquired criminally on the open market), hoping to gain superhuman powers to combat his foes. His gamble was successful and Klaw was transformed into a creature whose body was composed of "living sound." In his new form, Klaw battles the Fantastic Four and is pummeled into unconsciousness by Mister Fantastic wearing vibranium knuckle guards and taken to prison. - Determined to prove that the rare mineral Vibranium existed, and needing the ore to power his sound transformer (which could theoretically turn sound into mass), Klaw led a mercenary force into the hidden African country of Wakanda, using his talents of geology to track the Wakandan Vibranium meteor, and demanded that King T'Chaka give up his people's rights to Vibranium. T'Chaka refused, and Klaw had his men gun him down, killing him. The mercenaries turned their guns on the people, scattering them. T'Chaka's young son, T'Challa, stole a sound-blaster and returned to the village, where Klaw and the mercenaries were scattering, pillaging, and burning things down.
Klaw sold some Wakandans, including N'Jadaka (who would become Killmonger) into slavery.
hattered Klaw's right hand. Klaw retreated with his men, vowing to return for the Vibranium. Ten years later, Klaw, his hand replaced with a 'metal force glove', returned to Wakanda and set up his machinery in a deep cave near the Vibranium mound, his sound transformer now operating, and giving him the ability to create sound constructs and control them. He secretly used these constructs to terrorize the locals. He heard of the hero the Black Panther, but he believed him to be a myth. Klaw's prosthetic could tap into his machines and turn sound waves into solidified sound which Klaw could shape to his will. He began terrorizing the land with various sound constructs.
reports of a giant predator, and came across Klaw's gigantic sound-gorilla. It attacked them, but exploded into energy when they shot it. Before they could recover, an enormous sound-elephant attacked them, and they ran for it. Another sound-gorilla charged at the Vibranium mound, absorbing the energy discharges fired by the locals and returning the fire. The cave exploded with Klaw inside, and all of his sound-constructs dissipated. Trapped in the cave and devastated, Klaw jumped inside his own sound transformer. Now a being of solidified sound. - a new invention, the Vibrotron, which was capable of augmenting Vibranium.
- Global supervillain
- Klaw is soon freed by the Crimson Cowl, an alias of Ultron, and invited to join the second Masters of Evil. The Masters of Evil manage to capture the Avengers, but they later escape. Klaw is subdued by his old foe, the Black Panther. Too powerful to be imprisoned by conventional means, Klaw escapes and frees some of his cronies from the Masters of Evil. A second foray against the Avengers is less successful than the first and Klaw was again subdued.
Managing to escape custody again, Klaw journeys back to Wakanda where he helps steal a device capable of augmenting the metal-disintegrating property of a vibranium alloy. Encountering the Thing, the Human Torch, and the Black Panther, Klaw is defeated.
Klaw later joins forces with the murderous Solarr and traps the Avengers within a solid sound barrier. Klaw threatens to execute them if the Black Panther does not abdicate the throne of Wakanda to him. The Panther manages to subdue Klaw and Solarr before he could make good his threat.
Klaw is later freed from prison by a member of the extra dimensional race of Sheenarians, who wish him to use his sonic powers to help open a dimensional portal big enough for their invading armada to enter Earth. Klaw agrees and after a skirmish with Ka-Zar in London, travels with the Sheenarian to the Savage Land where there is a vibranium deposit large enough to create the portal. After Ka-Zar repulsed the invaders, Klaw flees into the Sheenarian dimension, and unable to salvage anything substantial from his allies, uses their technology to return to Earth.
Materializing in the Nexus of All Realities located in the Florida Everglades, Klaw happens upon the wand of the Molecule Man. Helping the Molecule Man find a body to possess, Klaw and his new ally travel to New York to wreak revenge on their common enemy, the Fantastic Four. Klaw is subdued by the visiting Impossible Man.
Klaw begins to realize that his sonic powers have been waning over the years and undertakes an elaborate scheme to manipulate a youth gang into restoring him to full power. Although the scheme works, Klaw is overpowered by the Black Panther.
- Prisoner
- Klaw's prosthetic device is recovered and taken to Project Pegasus, a government energy research facility, for analysis and safekeeping. When Solarr, another ward of the Project, is inadvertently freed from his containment cell, he seeks an ally to help him escape from the heavily-fortified facility. Finding Klaw's hand-blaster, Solarr thinks that the Project is responsible for killing him and throws the device angrily against the wall. The sonic vibrations of the impact provided the necessary energy for Klaw, whose mental essence had found refuge inside the prosthetic device, to reconstitute his solid sound body. The two criminals' attempt to escape is thwarted, however, and Klaw collapses back into his sonic device.
Project scientists soon revive him again in order to study him. Weeks later, when the mutant Dazzler was at Project: Pegasus to have her sound-transducing powers tested, Klaw tricks the mutant into helping him escape confinement. Realizing her mistake, the Dazzler uses her body's sound absorbing abilities to siphon Klaw's energies totally into herself. Klaw's mental essence, rendered unconscious, is also transferred to the Dazzler. When the Dazzler expends the vast quantity of energy that is Klaw while aboard the starship of the world devourer Galactus, the advanced alien circuitry of Galactus's craft absorbs it and Klaw's mental essence.
- Freed
- Some time later, Galactus is among the many beings assembled for study by the omnipotent extra dimensional Beyonder. Needing to consume the energy of a planet-sized object, Galactus sends for his solar system-sized home base, to which his starship is docked. Doctor Doom, another of the beings abducted by the Beyonder, steals aboard Galactus's home base to find weaponry to battle first Galactus then the Beyonder. While trying to fathom the alien technology, Doom uses Galactus's machines to bodily resurrect Klaw, whose mental essence had been flitting through the circuitry of the base. Beginning with this resurrection, Klaw is entirely made of solidified sound, even his prosthetic weapon. As a result of his experience in disembodied form, Klaw is mildly insane when Doom restores his form. Doom nevertheless exploits the fact that Klaw's energy-form was attuned to Galactus's ship and carves up Klaw's non-organic body into special lenses. These lenses enable Doom to siphon the energy released when Galactus converts his home base into fuel. Succeeding in the audacious scheme, Doom attacks the Beyonder. Doom believes he has totally eradicated the Beyonder from existence, but the Beyonder instead takes refuge inside Klaw's now restored energy form. After witnessing how Doom handles his omnipotent power, the Beyonder manipulates Doom into returning it. The Beyonder then dispatches Doom and Klaw back to Earth.
A crueler and no longer insane Klaw is among the villains assembled by the newest Crimson Cowl in the newest incarnation of the Masters of Evil, only to meet defeat by the Thunderbolts.
During an attempted prison break, Klaw was attacked by Ms. Marvel. She absorbed his sound blast, causing his form to lose cohesiveness and be sucked inside his sonic claw.
He has since appeared (Post-Civil War) as a (fifth) member of the Wizard's latest Frightful Four, restored by the Wizard via a sound file found on Bitorrent.
- Powers and abilities
- Klaw is a being composed of psionically "solidified" sound. He has superhuman strength, durability and endurance, and can normally lift approximately five tons. As a being of pure sound, Klaw does not need air, food or sleep and he is immune to diseases and most impacts. His form is resistant, if not immune, to telepathy. He is highly resilient and his body malleable, and he can reconstruct if sliced or discorporated. He can grow into a giant or shrink by absorbing or dissipating sound. He has also mixed other substances into his body, once adding water to become a kind of watery giant.
The solidified sound generator that replaces Klaw's right hand accomplishes various tasks, most often projecting sonic blasts and dealing blows with waves of solid sound. Klaw can project deafening sonics or focused blasts that are powerful enough to obliterate solid steel. Klaw can manipulate sounds in numerous ways. He can sense his surroundings using sonar, absorb or manipulate area vibrations, and project various sonic frequencies. He can cause vertigo, hypnotism, and burst the eardrum of victims. He can deafen anyone in a .6 mile radius.
Klaw can project solid sound constructs and creatures, called Sominals, under his mental control. They can speak if he wills it. The Sominals tend to have superhuman strength and durability, shown capable of matching an enhanced Thing during Klaw's brief membership in the Frightful Four, but not to be as durable as Klaw himself. He has also created bullet-proof walls, sonic armor, and even a baseball team. He has also made balls of solid sound that are capable of absorbing sound mass independently. Klaw can reabsorb his constructs at will.
Klaw can transport himself by transforming himself into non-solidified energy. While propelling himself at the speed of sound he was able to smash through the hull of a battleship. Klaw has also transported himself and his various teammates inside his constructs.
As an expert in physics, vibranium, and advanced weaponry, Ulysses Klaw is a bona fide scientific genius.
His prosthetic "sound claw" is now composed of solidified sound like the rest of Klaw. - Klaw's prosthetic hand can create sound waves of dangerous volume, fire concussive blasts of sound, and create sound constructs in any desired shape at his command. Due to his body being living sound, Klaw needs absolutely no sustenance or air, and is virtually indestructible. His body can be sliced or destroyed, and it will rematerialize again, whole, at his will. A prosthetic weapon, replacing his right hand, which acts as a sound converter.
- Composed of solidified sound, Klaw does not need to sleep, breathe, eat, or drink, and is immune to diseases, impacts, and wounds. He can increase his size by converting surrounding sounds into mass and adding it to his form, and can decrease his size by discharging sound mass from it. Through unknown means, Klaw's prosthetic grows or shrinks in size with him. Klaw can alter his own shape, and has done so to form himself into a large sound train. He can also add other elements into his form as he grows larger, as he once mixed water in with his increased sound mass, appearing as a watery giant. Klaw is resistant, if not immune, to telepathic attacks. Klaw is super-strong, capable of lifting up to five tons. Klaw's form can be cut apart and fused back together without injury to himself. His form was once converted into a group of lenses before becoming corporeal again. Before his transformation, Klaw replaced one of his hands with a prosthetic sound converter, also called a sonic claw or sound horn, which can absorb sound and solidify it. When Klaw has been dissipated in the past, his form is generally absorbed by his own converter until a sound or vibration restores his form and sentience. Klaw, through unknown means, has attached his prosthetic to his sound form, and it has been known to increase and decrease in size with him. Though his prosthetic has at times been destroyed, Klaw has either reformed it or re-equipped himself with another. Klaw has occasionally upgraded his prosthetic, making it larger and once equipping it with a Vibranium lace (which ultimately proved unhealthy), but he has always returned to using his standard prosthetic.
Klaw can create various constructs of solidified sound which he can mentally control and which maintain cohesiveness until Klaw dissipates it, either willingly or because distracted, or because the construct is disrupted. Klaw can maintain these constructs even at a distance. He generally prefers to create giant constructs of various jungle animals, usually gorillas, panthers, and elephants, and has been known to call these constructs his “Sonimals”. Klaw has also created solidified suits of armor, walls capable of shattering bullets, balls that will continue to absorb sound mass independent of Klaw, diagrams, and even a baseball team. Klaw's constructs are capable of speech if he wills it. Klaw can reabsorb any of his constructs at will. Klaw's constructs are almost always crimson, but he has been known to create black and gold constructs and while under the influence of the Beyonder, dozens of multi-colored monsters. Though non-sentient and less powerful than him, Klaw's constructs are capable of vast damage and usually possess enhanced strength. When Klaw's prosthetic is damaged, he is unable to create sound constructs.
Klaw can manipulate sound vibrations to varying effects. He can amplify existing sounds up to an intensity of 170 decibels, capable of deafening anyone in a .6 mile radius. Klaw can utilize vibrations to cause vertigo in the inner ear of others, burst the ear drums of others, briefly hypnotize others, or drive animals into frenzies with high pitches. Klaw can mimic any sound, including music and others' voices. Klaw can fire concussive blasts of sound at others, sometimes referring to these blasts as his “immobilizer beam”, and can cancel out his other constructs with a “reversion blast” of sound. He can also fire steady streams of sonic pulses.
Klaw can transform himself into pure, non-solidified energy. While propelling himself through the air at the speed of sound he can smash through the hull of a battleship. Klaw can also utilize his constructs to fly with him at this speed, even if those constructs contain living beings, and he has used this as a method of transportation for various teams he's belonged to.
Klaw is extremely vulnerable to the vibration-absorbing ore Wakandan Vibranium which, when in contact with his, causes him to lose energy or parts of his corporeal form. Klaw has successfully been held in prisons with Vibranium bars or walls. Klaw was once briefly empowered by unstable Vibranium, which was weakened due to a “Vibranium cancer.” Klaw is also susceptible to the metal-disintegrating Antarctic Vibranium, which can destabilize his form. Klaw is vulnerable to sonics or vibrations that disrupt his own internal vibrations, and can be knocked unconscious by blows or blasts powerful enough to do this. Klaw cannot generally maintain his corporeal form in a vacuum, though he has been known to do so by drawing from the sound in his own body. Klaw's form or energy has been absorbed by super-heroes capable of doing so, such as Dazzler, Guardian (Heather Hudson), and Ms. Marvel. Klaw's ability to utilize his powers seems to depend upon his mental state, his inner vibrations harmonics, and his time spent recovering from wounds. Klaw's powers, when unstable, have caused his form to build to dangerously explosive levels.
- The problem is that Safari Adventures are different from Egyptian Adventures, and while Marvel has a huge amount of Egyptian themed characters, they have much less Sub-Saharan characters. Also, your game sounds awesome.