Chantal's Sisters
The Dutiful Six
Chantal's sisters, including Chantal herself, were once all humans (or humanoids in Ariel's case) living in Cyre. When the day of Mourning hit and their lives were taken from them the Lord of Blades came and re-built the girls. Augumenting them with metal and construct parts he made them into Six perfect solders for his construct army. Each one is made to emulate a particular member of the Dark Six.
Is modeled to emulate The Fury. This could be due to the fact that Chantal has a great passion in everything that she does and goes at things with great spirit. Could she fall into madness?
LN Humanforged Knight 5
Sarah comes off as cold, cruel and even violent to Mark and those that meet her. She is in fact a very kind girl underneath her tough exterior and despite the fact that she constantly belittles and insults Mark she honestly does have feelings for the man.
Sarah is modeled after the Mockery. Which is ironic considering she is a knight for a God who is famous for treachery.
NG Humanforged Cleric of the Keeper 5
Jenny's faith seems to center on a belief that the Keeper is a goodly protector of souls. An obscure faith that many question but Jenny is secur in her beliefs. She is a very passive and sweet hearted girl who lacks a clear voice and always seemes to be nervous. She is beautiful but very self-consious and while she seems to like Mark she is also very shy about it.
Jenny is modeled after the deity she worships.
LG Mermaidforged Paladin 5
Ariel is chivalrous, noble and kind. Despite this fact she is also a complete air head and is almost up to Aurra and Princess Maya when it comes to ignorance of the world around her. She often takes suggested threats as being misunderstanding. She is a mermaidforged who was desighned for Aquatic and Terrestrial combat as such she can alter her form from a human to an aquatic human at will.
It is unclear as to whether or not she likes Mark.
Ariel is desighned after the Devourer who she sees as being a chivalrous and noble spirit of the oceans.
N Humanforged Shadowcaster 3/Binder 2
Angeline enjoys calling upon the powers of Darkness and summoning her evil spirits (vestiges) to her body so that she can channel her dark will into them. She enjoys dabbling in the occult and dark forces, yet for some odd reason she has yet to fall into madness or psychotic rage. She hasn't seemed to form an opinion on Mark yet.
Angeline is modeled after the Shadow.
N Humanforged Truespeeker 5
Nina is emotionless. She feels no sadness or happiness, no hatred or grief, no overt feelings touch her and she always speeks in a clear and decisive manner. She avoids the pitfalls of normal convorsation and often reffers to a huge "Information Thought Entity" when she explains herself to others. She is, of course, dispassionate toward Mark as she is to everyone.
Nina seems to assosciate herself with this Thought Entity whic could be a lost member of the Dark Six.
Roleplaying tips for each.
Sarah = Tsundere
Jenny = Tsukasa from Lucky Star or possibly Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumya.
Ariel = Seto San from Seto No Hanayome
Angeline = A goth chick. The kind who'd find Kael to be the sexiest thing in Eberron.
Nina = Rei clone.