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*N.b. Designer's notes are always in italics:

  • ...here it is..a place to store my system and setting for a game i have devised based on b-grade movies. Largely incorporating the One Roll Engine (ORE) with a lot of the work from my (now abandoned) TORGLIKE system. I think with B-Grade, i have finally found a setting that i am happy to GM.
  • General principles of B-Grade
  1. More beer'n'pretzel than serious rpg - though not at the expense of realism.
  2. Reduce complexity. Always opt for the simpler solution


  • B-Grade is an rpg where the players take on the role of B-Grade movie characters such as vampires, mummys, martians, kung fu warriors, leprechauns, deformed hunchbacks, pulp action heroes, and wolfmen...they fight secretly for allied forces in 1935 at the brink of what would become world war 2...adventures focus on thwarting the schemes of cthulhuan occultists, far east criminal geniuses, mad scientists, double agents and government cover-ups...set in far off locations such as prehistoric dinosaur islands, archaelogical dig-sites, and secret military installations...fighting against foes such as japanese ninja-robots, radioactive mutants, sadistic nazis and legions of zombies. Take comics such as hellboy, the league of extraordinary gentlemen, and and through them into the one pot...
  • B-Grade Setting


  • B-Grade is driven by the One Roll Engine, though i have made a number of major changes to this system.
  • Some fundamental changes include:
  1. PC characters mainly play monsters (golems, frankensteins, leprechauns, pookas, vampires, wolfmen, aliens, cat people etc) by choosing a monster template.
  2. Expert/Hard dice have been removed. Wiggle/Master dice are now called Hammer-time (HT) dice. HT dice are much more rare now and are usually offset by penalties in other areas.
  3. Width 2 successes are only minimal successes. Width 3 hits are needed in combat to hit your foe solidly. Losing a die from your dice pool when hit has been removed.
  4. Skills have been dramatically reduced in number.
  5. Spells/Rituals/Miracles work differently
  6. Possibly introducing a Drama deck (similar in concept to Torg's Drama deck), via a normal playing card deck.