Drunken Kid
Drunken boys stuff:
- +1 Setting Sun Shadow hand Longsword +2 [Bo9S -+3 on atts using 1 disc, +6 both)
Vampiric Warning Metallian 98 k
- +1 Necklace of natural attacks [brilliant energy +4] Sav Species 50k [not sure on this, does it work for monks?]
- Amulet of natural armour +3 18k
- Bracers of Armour +7 49k
- Scabbard of keen edges 16k
- Dust of Sneezing and choking x 2 5k
- Monks belt 13k
- Headband of Perfect Excellence +6 Str,Dex,Wis 100k
- Skin of the hero 77k
- 431k spent 9k in lesser stuff to come