Drunken Kid
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- Fighter 10 (Thug)/ Monk 2/Drunken master4/Swordsage 2
- Str 24 Dex 24 Con14 Int 12 Wis 20 Cha 10
- Bab +15/+10/+5.
- Longsword+27[30/33 w' stances]/+22[25/28]/+17[20/23]Dam: 1d8+10
- Unarmed+25/+20/+15 Dam: 1D8+ 8 [brilliant energy effect]
- Improvised weapons as unarmed, +1D4 Dam, other effects.
- Flurry of blows -2 all atts. 1 extra att at best bonus. Full round.
- Stunning Fist 6/day. Fort St or stunned DC 27.
- ST: F+25/R+22/W+18
- Hp 200 (10d10+8d8+con)
- AC:37 Flatfooted:29 Touch:27. +3 dodge v 1 opp.+4 vs AoO
- (elusive att: +6 dodge AC w'full attack - 1 att only)
- Init: +17
- WF: Longsword. Able Learner.Mobility. Dodge.WS: Longsword. Elusive Attack (ACF:PH2). Power Attack. MWM: Slashing. Spring Attack.Great fortitude.Imp Unarmed Strike.Combat reflexes. Martial weapon mastery (Longsword - adds weapon to Monks weapon list). Improved natural att (MMI). Falling Sun Strike(any SS strike can be a stunning att; +1 DC stun att and SS strikes).
Class abilities[edit]
- Monk: Stunning Fist, Wis bonus to AC, Unarmed strike 1d6, Flurry of blows -1/-1, Evasion.
- Drunken Master: Drink LAD (-2 int/wis, +2str or con per drink, max 4 lasts 7rds), Stagger (charge in crooked line, DC15 tumble for no AoO),Swaying waist (+2 dodge 1 opponent),AC bonus +1, Improvised weapon+improved (+1d4 dam to unarmed strike/can use long weapons, bumpy +2 disarm & large/flat for improvised tower shield.)
- Swordsage: Quick to act +1, Disc Focus: Weapon focus (setting sun style)Wis bonus to AC (Taken as +1 only).
Balance 15,Bluff 12,Climb 21,Hide 21,Jump 21,Listen 18,Move silently 21,Ride 13,Sense motive 21,Spot 16,Tumble 21.
Sword Sage Maneuvers and Stances.[edit]
Man Kn 7, ready 4, Stances 2 (Initiator level 10) Setting sun Man:
- Counter Charge 1
- Feigned Opening 3
- Strike of the Broken Shield 4
- Soaring Throw 5
- Stance: Giant Killing style 3
Shadow Hand Man:
- Cloak of Deception 2
- Shadow Jaunt 2
- Obscuring shadow Veil 4
- Stance: Assassins Stance 3
Drunken Kids stuff:[edit]
- +1 Setting Sun Shadow hand Longsword [Bo9S - +3 on atts when using 1 discipline, +6 if using both)Vampiric, Warning, Metallian 98k
- +1 Necklace of natural attacks, Brilliant Energy (Sav Species) 50k [not sure on this, does it work for monks?]
- Amulet of natural armour +3 18k
- Bracers of Armour +7 49k
- Scabbard of keen edges 16k
- Dust of Sneezing and choking x 2 5k
- Belt of Battle (+2 init, 3charges/day 1:Move act 2: Std act 3:Full Act)
- Headband of Perfect Excellence +6 Str,Dex,Wis 100k
- Skin of the hero 77k (+3 Def Ac,Resistance STs,+3 Enhance Atts)
- Mask of Sweet Air 2k (Breathe freely in smoke, etc; +5 sts vs airborne attacks/poisons)
- Ki straps 5k (+2DC to stunning fist).
Potions: Darkvision x 2, Prot f'evil x2, CLW x2, Displacement, Fox's Cunning.