Kasshta Keep

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Revision as of 23:26, 26 January 2008 by Dragoon-Darkfire (talk | contribs)
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Large City

Kasshta Keep is designed for both beauty and defense. Large crystals and heavy materials surround the city and create a protective barrier against any evil outsiders outside the city wall. The city is also guarded by an army of trained warriors, adepts and a few 3-5th level monks who guard the city from unwanted visitors. It has a constantly mobile task force and is constantly warring with Riedra.

The city was originally founded longer than any man or Kalashtar can remember and it's quite possible that there has been a city here since the Age of demons. The city has likewise gone through several face lifts the most recent one being after the city was almost completely destroyed by Riedran armies (the event which also caused the destruction of the Tatari line). Currently the city is designed specifically for defense and refuge.

Anybody without hostile intent may enter Kasshta Keep and the only people who are attacked on sight or promptly discouraged from entering are Riedrans or Endseekers in disguise.

Shadows over Cyre