Serenity:Main Page
Assets and Complications
Following is a list of the Assets and Complications for the Serenity RPG with die values under the updated system as presented in the Battlestar Galactica RPG.
Allure d2+ Athlete d2+ Born Behind the Wheel d2+ Cortex Specter d6/d10 Fightin' Type d10 Friends in High Places d2+ Friends in low Places d2+ Good Name d2+ Healthy as a Horse d2+ Heavy Tolerance d2+ Highly Educated d2+ Intimidatin' Manner d2+ Leadership d2+. At d6, receive previously described Minor Benefit. At d12, receive previous Major Benefit. Lightnin' Reflexes Deleted Math Whiz d2+ Mean Left Hook d2-d6 Mechanical Empathy d2+ Military Rank d2-d6 Moneyed Individual d2+ Natural Linguist d2+ Nature Lover d2+ Nose for Trouble d6/d8 Reader d2+ Registered Companion d2-d6 Religiosity d2+ Sharp Sense d2-d6 Steady Calm d2+ Sweet and Cheerful d2+ Talented d2-d6 Things Go Smooth d4/d8 Total Recall d2. May spend a Plot Point to reduce the information test by two steps. Tough as Nails d4/d8 Trustworthy Gut d4/d8 Two-Fisted d4. Do incur multiple action penalty Walking Timepiece d2 Wears a Badge d2-d6
Allergy d2/d8 Amorous d4 Amputee d4 Bleeder d8 Blind d6/d12 Branded d2+ Chip on the Shoulder d2-d4 Credo d6/d10 Combat Paralysis d4/d8 Coward d4-d8 Crude d4-d8 Dead Broke d4 Deadly Enemy d2+ Deaf d10 Dull Sense d2-d4 Easy mark d2+ Ego Signature d2 Filcher d6 Forked Tongue d6 Greedy d4 Hero Worship d2 Hooked d4-d10 Leaky Brainpan d4+ Lightweight d2-d6 Little Person d4 Loyal d6/d10 Memorable d2-d6 Mute d8 Non-Fightin' Type d6 Overconfident d4-d10 Paralyzed d8 Phobia d4/d10 Portly d2-d6 Prejudice d4 Sadistic d4/d10 Scrawny d2 Slow Learner d4 Soft d2-d6 Stingy d2-d6 Straight Shooter d4 Superstitious d4 Things Don't Go Smooth d4/d8/d12 Traumatic Flashes d4/d8 Twitchy d4 Ugly as Sin d2-d6 Weak Stomach d2-d6