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Revision as of 07:54, 15 February 2008 by Bmsattler (talk | contribs) (Round 3)
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Tournament begins!

the initial matches are listed below!

Silver Shade vs

Red Knives

Due to some scheming and plotting, Silver Shade was severly wounded just before his match and suffered a humiliating loss to the lowly Red Knives

The Oak vs

Thrice-Radiant Ping

Oak was a giant of a man wearing heavy armor and weilding a huge axe. It didn't matter. With one strike Ping not only left a poigniant message written in his blood but killed her opponent as well, much to her suprise.

Red Star Dervish vs

Emerald Spring Wei

Dervish gave everything she had in this match, but Wei was one of the strongest warriors in the tournament and won the match

Scarlet Wake vs


Zero and Scarlet Wake were both fighting using the same technique and seemed evenly matched. However due to a design glitch Zero did not have a secondary style to back up her primary technique, and Scarlet Wake did. A narrow win for Scarlet Wake

Black Oasis vs

Iron Seraph

Black Oasis's legacy reverses the death spiral, so the more he is hurt the stronger he becomes! This was another close fight as the two warriors tore each other apart. Though both suffered serious damage, Seraph weakened and Oasis grew stronger. The match ended with Seraph having to be carried off the field, his honor intact if not his body.

Guardian of the Eclipse vs

Six Years of Darkness

Eclipse was roundly defeated, and Six Years of Darkness was almost disqualified for continuing to attack even after she surrendered. Hell-Clan mania at its finest!

Sheguai vs

Arctic Smile

Arctic Smile boasts a powerful defense renowned in the world of the Wulin. She eventually surrendered while choking up solid rock as Sheguai's gaze petrified her from the inside out.

Howl of the Righteous Storm vs

Scarlet Tiger Prince

Another match between two popular warriors. The match was a close one, marked with such spectacles as Howl surfing his weapon at his enemy on a wave of sound and the Scarlet Tiger Prince unleashing high-level Heart Moves the Blade techniques. In the end, Howl's healing Kung-Fu made the difference and the Scarlet Tiger Prince withdrew.

Round 2

Red Knives vs Thrice-Radiant Ping

Once again Ping was matched against a medicore opponent, and the round was won within the first round.

Emerald Spring Wei vs Scarlet Wake

This match occurred mostly behind the scenes as it was NPC vs NPC, but Wei came out the winner.

Black Oasis vs Six Years of Darkness

Darkness's God-Weapon proved to be the deciding factor in the match, and Black Oasis withdrew while he was still able to.

Sheguai vs Howl of the Righteous Storm

Sheguai was dominating the match, as even Howl's uncanny healing ability was proving less than adequate against the basilisk gaze of his opponent. He finally figured out the trick to her attack and blindfolded himself, ending her supernatural ability's hold on him but leaving himself open to her devastating Kung-Fu attacks. However she held her final blow, and mysteriously surrendered instead.

Round 3

Thrice-Radiant Ping vs Emerald Spring Wei

Ping didn't win this one. Losing in Zhen Zhou is hard on the uniform!

Before the match Iron Seraph confronted Ping and demanded that she drop out of the tournament. He was trying to save her from demonic assassins who threatened to remove her permenantly if he couldn't convince her to withdraw voluntarily, but she didn't see it that way. Never the less, he proved to be the stronger warrior and Ping was left severely wounded. She still showed up for her match against Wei, and reclaimed some small amount of face by disarming her opponent before succuming to newly-gained wounds.

Howl of the Righteous Storm vs Six Years of Darkness

Howl of the Righteous Storm had to fight against Six Years of Darkness, the Hell Clan swordsman who had earlier put Black Oasis out of commission. Even Howl couldn't withstand the onslaught for even half a minute. He yielded, but Six still kept on attacking! The Jade Dragon warrior neatly evaded though with supreme lightfoot. Then shots rang out and the Hell Clan fighter's back more or less exploded outwards with buckets of blood.

Now that he had broken the rules of the tournament he was no longer under their aegis. And that was exactly what Thunder Executioner and her W-SWAT team were hoping for. They were watching from the sidelines all along and took out a wanted fellon at the first opportunity.

With Howl defeated and a crippled Six having been dragged off to places unknown, Emerald Spring Wei was left without an opponent to fight. She more or less became the D-Rank division's winner by default.

The C-Rank fights went something like this...

PATIENT 276 A genuine Hell Clan medical experiment they "recruited" out of a mental institution. This tall man's face goes hidden behind his long and dirty black hair. He wears the shredded remains of his straightjacket. In combat he moves in impossible ways, even for one with lightfoot. And he keeps gibbering about little secrets he knows, or something like that. It's a little hard to make out.


IRON SHADOW WARLORD IV The granddaughter of ISW III, she is a young woman scarred and toughened by battle. Her hair is as black as the heavy iron plate armor she wears, and her skin pale as moonlight. She fights by focusing silvery Ying energy around her hands so that the cold forms blades of ice that freeze flesh and blood.


Though Iron Shadow Warlord fought better than anybody you've ever seen, her insane opponent's bizarre movements served him well. He struck with unarmed with amazing precision, almost as if he knew her moves before she did. In the end she was forced to give up, having not landed a single blow.


MASTER CALM If there is one person who might be considered more "yummy" than either Iron Seraph or Torrent of Serenity by the female half of the wulin, it's Master Calm. He dresses like a Zan monk but keeps his silken blue hair long and a little wild. His eyes are deep and caring, though seem a little sad too. As expected, he fights with Subtle Hand kung fu, which he supplemented with Wisdom of the Seven Gates.


BLADESMITH A young bespectacled lad with an easy smile. Dresses like the average guy on the street and would look completely out of place in this tournament, if it weren't for the seven feet tall greatsword made of ruby that glowed with an inner light slung on his back...


The two men apparently knew eachother. They first exchanged pleasantries, during which Master Calm congratulated his opponent on his latest masterpiece. He promised to do his best to be a worthy test. And he did - the Bladesmith was defeated in just eight maneuvers, though he didn't seem to care. Laughing they both strolled off the field together, promising to be even better next year.


SWIRLING SNOW An unusual sight: though he looks like a young warrior in the prime of his life, both his arms hang powerlessly at his side. This is reflected in his fighting style that exclusively consists of kicks. There's no doubt in your mind that he's leagues ahead of Four Kicks Down in this respect.


HUNDRED PHOENIX FEATHERS A young firebrand of a girl with short black hair that escapes from under a bandana. Her body is crawling with intricate black tattoos of feathers. She mainly relies on Holy Fire kung fu and her God-Weapon spear.


With each stone-shattering kick Phoenix' confidence dwindled, not to mention her inner power. Though she got a few good hits on her opponent, Swirling Snow eventually struck her on her spear with enough force that the impact carried through and turned the bones in her hands to splinters.


MASTER TALON They also call him 'Tyrant Dragon' sometimes and it's easy to see why. The most promising student of the Dragon Palms looks the part: majestic, proud, arrogant, and cruel. His fingers always hook inside like claws, and roiling yang energy occassionally flashes over his body and hands like phantasmal thrashing dragons.


MONKEY PRINCESS A girl that looks bored, capricious, and rude all at once. The closest way to describe her is to think about what would happen if you gender-bend Son Goku the Monkey King.

Result... Without mercy Talon savaged Monkey, ripping arteries, skin, and clothes like they were ricepaper. When the judges intervened by declaring him the victor, he just smirked and watched Monkey Princess for a while. You could tell he was admiring his handiwork.


Second Rounds


Patient 276 vs Master Calm

The otherwise so serene monk behaved very differently this time around. With equal levels of unholy wrath and cold cunning he fought his Hell Clan opponent. Even when his foe was reeling under Pause for Thought he didn't cease beating him. In the end he knocked 276 down, telling him to get out while he could. And he did.


Swirling Snow vs Master Talon

Master Talon simply gave an encore. He cought Snow's foot at the very first kick and crunched it like an empty beercan.



Master Calm vs Master Talon

They fought for several minutes straight, ancient monk style pitted against ancient monk style. Palm against claw, serenity against fury, yin against yang. The two were absolutely even in skill, and the winner was either just dumb lucky that day or he had the favor of Heaven on his side.

Winner: Master Calm.