Jake Farhurqarson
Back to 2012 The Next Wave Crests PBP
Power Level: 10 (160 power points)
Abilities: STR 30(20)(+10( -- )) DEX 18(+4) CON 20(+5) INT 14(+2) WIS 14(+2) CHA 14(+2)
Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+6), Bluff 11 (+13), Computers 2 (+4), Concentration 2 (+4), Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10), Intimidate 8 (+10), Knowledge (Art) 2 (+4), Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+4), Knowledge (History) 2 (+4), Knowledge (Tactics) 11 (+13), Medicine 2 (+4), Notice 11 (+13), Perform (Percussion Instruments) 6 (+8), Perform (Singing) 2 (+4), Profession (Author) 4 (+6), Profession (Illustrator) 2 (+4), Search 9 (+11), Sense Motive 11 (+13), Stealth 1 (+5), Survival 3 (+5)
Feats: All-out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (Melee) 10, Attractive, Critical Strike, Distract (Bluff), Dodge Focus 3, Endurance, Evasion, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Interpose, Leadership, Master Plan, Power Attack, Redirect, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Bluff,Knowledge,Sense Motive,Notice), Taunt, Teamwork 2, Ultimate Effort (Block), Ultimate Effort (hand strike), Weapon Break
Powers: Enhanced Ability (Strength) 6 (F:Limited (hands only)(1); PF:Innate) Protection 5 (E:Impervious) Strike 3 (E:Autofire(1), Penetrating(2); PF:Innate,Mighty)
Combat: Attack +0 Defense 20 (Flat-footed: 13) Initiative +8 Grapple: +10 (Attack - +0,Strength - +10,Size - +0)
Saves: Toughness +10(+5), Fortitude +5, Reflex, +14, Willpower +5
Lifting: 1,600 lb.
Cost Summary: Ability 40 + Skills 26 (101 Ranks) + Feats 38 + Powers 22 + Combat 14 + Saves 13 = 153 / 160
Size: Medium Description: Jake is a writer/illustrator/animator working in various geeky media. He also plays a mean drum set. [1]
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