Character:Snorglash Comes-By-Night

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A character for 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

Created using the 4d6 drop lowest method. Done in memory of E. Gary Gygax.


Snorglash is best suited for a campaign where assassination is expected. One where back-stabbing and skulduggery are to be treated as unsurprising. The lack of dungeoneering equipment suggests that a city-based campaign would be best. A good ol' fashioned dungeon crawl is also possible, though the equipment would need to be changed.

Character Stats

Snorglash Comes-By-Night
Class: Assassin
Race: Half-Orc
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sex: Female
Age: Weight: 131lbs. Height: 65"

HP: 6
AC: 7


Strength: 12
Intelligence: 14 (Two additional languages.)
Wisdom: 14
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 18 (Hit point adjustment: +2. System shock: 99%. Resurrection Survival: 100%)
Charisma: 10 (Max henchmen: 4)

Saving Throws

Paralyzation/Poison: 13
Petrification/Polymorph: 12
Rod, Staff, or Wand: 14
Breath Weapon: 16
Spells: 15

Special Abilities

Infra-vision, 60' -2 Charisma adjustment to non-half-orcs


Languages: Common, Neutral Evil, Orcish, Dwarfish, Goblin Weapons of Proficiency: 3 (Dagger, Crossbow, Sword) Non-Proficiency Penalty: -2 Hit Die: d6

Gear and Encumbrance

Dagger & scabbard (1#)
Leather armour (15#)
Light crossbow (5#)
6 bolts (0.6#)
Mirror, small silver (0.5#)
Boots, soft high (3#)
Belt (0.3#)
Cloak (2.5#)
Belt pouch, small (x2) (1#)
Candle, wax (x2) (1#)
Tinderbox (0.2#)
Purse (0.1#)
3 gems worth 10gp each (0.3#)
4gp, 2sp (0.6#)

Total encumbrance: 31.4#

Character Description

"Need someone killed? Snorglash do it for you. Reasonable rate. Done real quick like. Or real slow like, if that what you prefer."