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23 year old Female Human, Chaotic Good Rogue 3/Monk 4

Oh sweet Flame, there's two of them. Yuffie Addwealth claims to be Rupin's baby cousin. Given she's an IDIOT who wears a Flamite Schoolgirl's outfit to Saint Marie's and a miniskirt into battle, asks asinine questions, and makes bizarre observations that are enough to make anyone question if she's insane....you've got to wonder if she's actually telling the truth. Most tellingly is the fact that she's touched by Olladra given she manages to pass all of her exams with flying collors despite the fact there's no way in Hell that she should be allowed on a battlefield.

Yuffie's preferred weapon are sword chucks, yes, I'm serious. Somehow, they actually work.

So far, Rupin hasn't yet discovered the young woman despite the fact that Yuffie claims that her "Big Cousin" was responsible for teaching her everything that she knows.

Shadows over Cyre