Timeline of our Exalted Saga
as of 08/18/08 & the Character Creation session
- ??city/location??
- The Perfect Circle, having been reforged, begins the Saga ??situation?? ...
- ??city/location??
~ 1 Month Prior
- ??city/location??
- At the suggestion of the Eclipse, based on comments from the Dawn, the four Exalts (Dawn, Zenith, Night & Eclipse) seek out the Twilight in effort to form their Perfect Circle some believe was forged in the First Age. Having previously known the Twilight, the Dawn speaks with the Eclipse who believes that adding the Twilight would complete the circle.
- ??city/location??
~ 2 Weeks Prior
- The Scavenger Lands, ??city/location??
- As the three Exalts (Zenith, Night & Eclipse) make ready on the docks of ??city?? the Eclipse hears tale of a massive man, some 12' tall was in need of immediate assistance having fallen, but not before destroying an entire army led by a alliance of little gods... The Eclipse quickly requested the Zenith to rush to the man's aid, for surely this was not a mere man... this must be an Exalt. On finding the man, sure enough it was and Exalt - a Dawn. Aiding the Dawn to better health, the two made way back to the docks where the Eclipse offered sanctuary and alliance aboard his ship. This would soon lead to the deduction that a Perfect Circle was nearly made...
- The Scavenger Lands, ??city/location??
~ 2 Years Prior
~ 3 Years Prior
~ 2 Years, 10 Months Prior
~ 3 Years, 6 Months Prior
- In the An-teng, near the City of Steel Lotus, on the docks of ??city/location??
- The Eclipse leads his brigands and his new Zenith companion onto the docks amid the Vermilion Legion naval units in port. There the Eclipse leads in the thefts of ??Adam's ships name?? , a ship of the Tepet family. Aboard the ship as they usher the former crew and deckhands off, the Eclipse picks up a small child... To his surprise the young girl Exalts in his hands! The seven year old's Anima reveals her to be a Solar of the Night caste. Knowing the child is in danger, the Eclipse rushes her into the hold... At first the girl is confused, scared and spiteful... soon with tutoring she learns what she is, finally coming to understand (but not like) the need for being taken from her home and family. This was made clear some days later when the child "escaped" trying to return to the Vermilion front, only to be rescued from "the mob" again by the Eclipse and Zenith. Still confused she returns to the ship with the Eclipse but doesn't speak to anyone for a full year to the day of her Exaltation.
- In the An-teng, near the City of Steel Lotus, on the docks of ??city/location??
~ 3 Years, 9 Months Prior
- In the An-teng, in the jungles below the City of Steel Lotus ??city/location??