SatCoC Background Template

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1st APP: Chapter 1 - "The Slaughter at the Caves of Chaos"
QUOTE:  : "...???..."
BORN:  :  ???
HEIGHT / WEIGHT:  :  ???


In a short description, give an idea of some of the "Last Stand" events that happened in your race's lair when the "Villains" from the Keep on the Borderland began the slaughter.



Note descriptors that a stranger would notice about a character after a minute (1st Impression) of interacting with your PC. These can be physical traits, mannerisms, or props. For example: "tall, willowy, with a big ol' mole on her face."





Remember, your tribe (and race in the Realms as far as you know) must have had reasons for living at the Caves of Chaos. What were they?



Playing a monster will be fun but different, what's your Heroic Motivation from your "monster" point of view? How might it be different from a noraml PC?



What are your PC's essential Beliefs and Instincts? A Belief is something the character believes about the world, themselves, etc.


An Instinct is something a character will likely does instinctually. Instincts can get you into trouble because they are something a character does unless the player specifies otherwise. "always armed" for example, can be a very dangerous Instinct when in a social situation...


2 OUTCOMES[edit]

List two opposed possible outcomes for your PC as they develop through the course of the campaign. Examples provided were:

Frodo Baggins, LotR: find the endurance to serve as the ringbearer, or give in to temptation and despair
Andy Sipocwicz, NYPD Blue: achieve redemption as a good cop, or allow his demons to consume him


THE VILLAIN - of "The Slaughter at the Caves of Chaos"[edit]

This enemy is your PC's counterpart from the "Adventuring Party" that came from the Keep on the Borderland to kill you and take your stuff!! Ooo, we hate them!! They must pay...
This character is your PC's counterpart - if you are a Fighter, this character should be a Fighter. Their Race should be one of the normal PC races.

  •  ??name?? [age ??]:
Gender, race, description, rank, sobriquet, etc...
Brief Skill/Abilities of note.
When/Where last scene by me.


The Slaughter at the Caves of Chaos" was tragedy - all of your Friends or Contacts were killed. This person was lucky like you and survived or is someone outside the Caves, perhaps you can find them...

  •  ??name?? [age ??]:
Gender, race, description, rank, sobriquet, etc...
Brief Skill/Abilities of note.
When/Where last scene by me.


The Caves of Chaos was your home - its the place you know, most of the groups you know were there. But there is at least one place or one organization that you might be able to seek out later...

  •  ??name?? [age ??]:
Description, details, etc...
Brief properties of note.
When/Where last visited/scene.


Preferred Weapons[edit]


Preferred Armor/Cloths[edit]


Normal Travelling Gear[edit]



What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!


What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)


What very cool things would you add to setting/campaign? What do you hope to see?


D&D4e - "The Slaughter at the Caves of Chaos"