Orok Fang-tearer

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Back to: Those Who Hunt Dragons


Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Levels: Duskblade* 1/Orc Paragon 3/Barbarian 1/Dragon Disciple (Red) 5
Skin: Grey, but leathery, cracked, and speckled with iron-hard dark red scales

XP Total:
XP for next:


Str 34 (18 base +4 race +6 class +2 level +4 enhancement) [+12], 40 when raging [+15]
Dex 10 (10 base) [+0]
Con 16 (16 base) [+3], 22 when raging [+6]
Int 12 (14 base -2 race) [+1]
Wis 8 (10 base -2 race) [-1]
Cha 6 (8 base -2 race) [-2]


AC 23 (+2 natural, +7 class defense, +1 deflection, +3 shield) [19 when raging]
HP 1d8+3d10+6d12+30 (140) [170 when raging]

Fort +12 (11 base +3 Con +2 resistance -1 trait -3 flaw) [+15 when raging]
Ref +7 (2 base +0 Dex +2 resistance +1 trait +2 feat)
Will +10 (9 base -1 Wis +2 resistance) [+12 when raging]


BAB +8/+3; Grapple +20 [+23 when raging]

Attack Greatsword +21/+16 (2d6+19, 19-20/x2) and bite +15 (1d6+6)
w/ Rage and Power Attack 2: Greatsword +22/+17 (2d6+29, 19-20/x2) and bite +16 (1d6+11)
or Attack 2 claws +20 (1d4+12) and bite +15 (1d6+6)


  • Musclebound (+1 on Str- and Str-based checks, -2 on Dex- and Dex-based checks)
  • Twitchy (+1 Ref, -1 Fort)


Meager Fortitude (-3 Fort)


F Lightning Reflexes
1 Power Attack
3 Reckless RageRoS
6 Leap AttackCAdv
9 Extra Rage


Knowledge (arcana) +9 (8 ranks +1 Int)
Jump +31 (13 ranks, +12 Str, +4 speed, +2 competence, -1 ACP, +1 trait)
Sense Motive +8 (9 ranks -1 Wis)
Speak Language (1 rank)

Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin, Draconic


Arcane Attunement 4/day
Armoured Mage (light)
Spells (3/7 per day, CL 1, DC 11+level, known: 0- acid splash, ray of frost; 1- true strike, jump)
Darkvision 90'
No light sensitivity
Elf Slayer (+2 weapon dmg vs elves)
Faster Movement +10'
Rage 3/day (+6 Str, +6 Con, +2 Will, -4 AC)
Claws (1d4) and bite (1d6)
Blindsense 30'
Breath Weapon 1/day (30' cone of fire, 2d8 damage, Reflex DC18 half)


+1 dragonbane greatsword (8650)
Vest of Resistance +2 (4000)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000)
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16000)
MW Chain Shirt (250)
Armbands of Might (4100)
Ancestor Ghost Shield (+1 animated darkwood shield) (9257)