Fragile:Main Page
Ripley: These people are here to protect you. They're soldiers.
Newt: It won't make any difference.
- Aliens (1986)
This wiki page is for a Spycraft 2.0 Play-By-Post game being played on the play-by-post forums. Mathey is the Game Control for the game and is primarily responsible for creating and updating this wiki page.
Bearclaw as Jared Mendoza, Homicide Detective
ChalkLine as Jeff Davies, SWAT Officer
Illegible Smudge as Brad Rivers, SWAT Officer
Jason Panella as Ben Hartcourt, Martial Arts Instructor
Silent Wayfarer as Tony Tanaka, SWAT Officer
Tapeworm as Jim Russell, SWAT Officer
The Story So Far
The date is May 22, 2008. The time is 10:30 P.M. PST. The place is the outskirts of Boulder City, approximately 20 miles from downtown Las Vegas. Members of the LVMPD are on their way to serve a high risk warrant at the isolated compound of a minor religious cult known as The Hallowed Believers. The warrant is for the cult leader, Dr. George Carpenter, on suspicion of his involvement in a string of ritualistic murders in the region. The suspect is presumed to be armed and dangerous, and it is expected that he and his followers may offer resistance. They are suspected of having a stockpile of firearms ranging from handguns to assault rifles. Trailers in the form of LVMPD detectives, LVMPD and Boulder City patrol officers, Vegas and Boulder City paramedics, and the Boulder City Fire Department will respond to assist as needed.
Inside of the compound, a blinded man screams a warning nobody hears...
Action Dice
Ben: 2
Brad: 2
Jared: 2
Jeff: 2
Jim: 2
Tony: 2
GC: 9
Mission Bundle for Part One
- [1] H&K UMP .45 ACP III (3 Upgrades, 5.9 lbs., 30 XP)
- [1] FN P90 5.7 x 28mm II (6.6 lbs., 20 XP)
- [1] Colt M4A1 5.56x45mm NATO III (3 Upgrades, 7.5 lbs., 30 XP)
- [1] Remington Model 870P 12g III (7.3 lbs., 30 XP)
- [1] Remington Model 870P 12g III (7.3 lbs., 30 XP, frangible ammo)
- [5] S&W Model 5906 9mm P II (Use stats for H&K USP 9mm P, 2 Upgrades, 1.7 lbs each., 100 XP)
- [2] Flash/bang Grenades x3 II (1 lbs. per set, 40 XP)
- [1] Stinger Grenades x2 III (1 lbs., 30 XP)
- [1] Pepper Spray I (0.2 lbs., 10 XP)
- [1] Melee Stun Gun I (2 lbs., 10 XP)
- [1] Sledge hammer II (16 lbs., 20 XP)
- [1] Breaching Charge II (3 lbs., 20 XP)
- [4] Modular Tactical Armor III (8 lbs. each, 120 XP)
- [1] Raid Jacket II (1 Upgrade, 7 lbs., 20 XP)
- [1] Fiberscope I (4 lbs., 10 XP)
- [4] Nightvision Goggles I (1.5 lbs. each, 40 XP)
- [6] Tactical Radio I (1 lbs. each, 10 XP)
- [1] First Aid Kit I (5 lbs., 10 XP)
- [1] Forensics Kit I (10 lbs., 10 XP)
- [1] Demolitions Kit I (5 lbs., 10 XP)
- [4] flashlight, safety goggles, earplugs, handcuffs, 20 zip ties, load-bearing gear, go-bar, Leatherman, glass punch (3.5 lbs. per set, 36 XP)
- [1] handcuffs, 20 zip ties (1 lbs., 2 XP)
- [1] battering ram (35 lbs., 1 XP)
- [1] retractable mirror (1 lbs., 1 XP)
Total XP Penalty: 690 XP
Now Accepting Applications
Fragile is a Spycraft 2.0 survival horror game in which members of the select Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's SWAT unit are sent out on a high risk warrant call and come face-to-face with something they could never have expected. The emphasis will be on tactical action, physical horror, and psychological dread. The PCs will be members of the SWAT unit, other emergency responders, or even civilians caught up in the event. Survival will be the ultimate goal, but it may come at a terrible price.
The game will be set in and around Nevada in the Summer of 2008. Aside from the specific threat that the PCs will encounter, the world will be a close approximation of our real one, and be fairly realistic in tone up to a point. As the LVMPD's SWAT unit has jurisdiction out to 150 miles from Las Vegas, you can expect to see action in places other than just Sin City.
The majority (3/4) of the PCs should be members of the SWAT unit that goes in the initial call. The LVMPD SWAT is a relatively small but elite tactical response unit that is full-time and performs any numbers of roles on behalf of the police department. SWAT members are required to have some prior police experience and are regularly, intensively trained. In addition to being a member of the SWAT team, PCs may optionally come from other branches of the emergency response units on the scene. These can include firemen, paramedics, and other LVMPD officers. Alternatively, and on a limited basis, PCs may be civilians who happen to be in the vicinity when the action goes down. They should have a background that explains their survivability, even if its just the fact that they are a strong-willed and quick thinking everyman.
In terms of Level and Classes, PCs will begin at 7th Level. This is for two reasons; one, the premise implies some pretty unique and exceptional protagonists, and two, I just want to see what gameplay at this higher level is like. Origins can be taken from the core rulebook and the World on Fire sourcebook, with some possible exceptions if I feel the Talent or Specialty is inappropriate. PCs can take levels in the following basic classes, from the core book and World on Fire:
Explorer, Intruder, Martial Artist, Pointman, Scout, Sleuth, Soldier
As 7th level characters, PCs may also take levels in the following expert classes, from the core book and World on Fire:
Brawler, Counter-Terrorist, Edgemaster, Grunt, Guide, Medic, Sniper, Tactician
I can make exceptions for the basic and expert classes if I feel the concept merits it, but this should give you some idea of what I'm looking for in terms of team roles.
I should note here that, given the themes of the game, PC mortality rates may be a bit higher than you're used to. Its recommended that everybody have a concept in mind for a backup character who can be introduced if your own PC succumbs to the horror. This is the kind of story where luck can be as much of a factor as skill, and there is no clear candidate for survival at the outset. It is also entirely possible that NOBODY will survive, though I'd try to make it a satisfying if not happy ending.
As per usual in my Play-By-Post games, I really prefer to have players post fleshed-out concepts before we even begin to talk about statistics or sheets. It doesn't need to be a novella, but do try to give some sense of who your PC is as a person in addition to whatever tactical role they might have to play. The psychological aspect of these people will receive particular emphasis given their situation.
About the LVMPD SWAT
(paraphrased from GURPS SWAT)
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department SWAT unit is relatively small (about 20 officers) but highly trained and well equipped. It deals with urban call outs, but also has jurisdiction out to 150 miles from the city, into the mountains, towns, and deserts of Nevada. Getting into the unit is tough and there's a long waiting list of applicants. Requirements are three years of patrol experience, excellent service record, and passing a series of physical and mental exams. Then you receive 80 hours of training, a high priority for this team, which is full-time. Training is in entry, assault, vehicle takedown, climbing, rappelling, helicopter deployment, live-fire exercises, physical workouts, and weapons. They also receive desert survival training. Each of the two 10-man teams have a team sergeant (probably an NPC), an element leader, two snipers, a grenade specialist, and five assaulters.
For more information on real world SWAT tactics, check this page: Fragile:SWAT
Campaign Qualities
As this is a horror game with a lot of action and mayhem, I've decided to go with the following Campaign Qualities:
Bleak (+75 XP) PCs begin with 2 fewer action dice per session and their action dice never explode
Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
Parker: Look, I am-I've heard enough of this, and I'm asking you to pull the plug.
Ash: Last word.
Ripley: What?
Ash: I can't lie to you about your chances, have my sympathies.
- Alien (1979)
Bloodbath (+0) Threats are automatically activated as critical hits by PCs and special NPCs
Hicks: Remember: short, controlled bursts.
- Aliens (1986)
Fast Growth (+0 XP) XP required to gain a level is 1/2 normal
Chris Redfield: There are only three S.T.A.R.S. members left now. Captain Wesker, Jill and myself. We don't know where Barry is.
- Biohazard, AKA Resident Evil (1996)
Fragile (+0 XP) After Level 1, PCs gain only 2 vp per career level (d8 vitality die), 3 vp per career level (d10 vitality die), or 4 vp per career level (d12 vitality die)
Sheriff McClelland: Good shot! OK, he's dead; let's go get 'im. That's another one for the fire.
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Gritty (+100 XP) The cost to activate a critical injury inflicted on a player or special character decreases by 1 action die (minimum 0). Further, the range of damage at which a Fortitude save must be made to avoid a critical injury becomes 16-25, and the threshold at which a Fortitude save must be made to avoid dropping to -9 wound points become 26+. Finally, the DCs of all Medicine checks increase by 5, and the error ranges of all such checks increase by 2.
Beth: I'm an English teacher, not fucking Tomb Raider.
- The Descent (2005)
Hybrid (+0 XP) PCs can be Faction or Freelance
Dr. Millard Rausch: This isn't the Republicans versus the Democrats, where we're in a hole economically or... or we're in another war. This is more crucial than that. This is down to the line, folks, this is down to the line. There can be no more divisions among the living!
- Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Shoe String Budget (+0 XP) The Caliber of available gear selections is reduced by 1; if this reduces the Caliber to 0, the PC or NPC loses that pick
Spence: Please, I wouldn't wanna shoot you. I might need the bullets. Back off!
- Resident Evil (2002)
Tense (+75 XP) Stress damage is doubled and no character can take 10 with any skill check
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
- The Thing (1982)
Violent (+50 XP) Threat ranges of any attack check increase by 2
Sergeant Harry Wells: We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch.
- Dog Soldiers (2002)
I have also chosen to adopt the Stockpile System, introduced in The Big Score PDF supplement. The revised Possessions chart, already adjusted for Shoe String Budget, is presented here:
Possessions 1: 1/I
Possessions 2: 1/I
Possessions 3: 2/I
Possessions 4: 2/I
Possessions 5: 2/I, 1/II
Possessions 6: 3/I, 1/II
Possessions 7: 3/I, 2/II
Possessions 8: 4/I, 2/II
Possessions 9: 4/I, 3/II
Possessions 10: 5/I, 3/II
Possessions 11: 5/I, 3/II, 1/III
Possessions 12: 5/I, 4/II, 1/III
Possessions 13: 6/I, 4/II, 1/III
Possessions 14: 6/I, 4/II, 2/III
Possessions 15: 6/I, 5/II, 2/III
Possessions 16: 6/I, 5/II, 3/III
Possessions 17: 6/I, 6/II, 3/III
Possessions 18: 6/I, 6/II, 3III, 1/IV
Sources of Inspiration
Fragile pays homage to a number of books, films, and video games:
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Alone in the Dark
Black Hawk Down
Condemned: Bloodshot
Dawn of the Dead
The Descent
Dog Soldiers
Eternal Darkness
House of the Dead
I Am Legend
The Kingdom
Night of the Living Dead
Rainbow Six Vegas
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
The Thing