Out Of The Void

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Your ship rattles and lurches as the unexpected vortexes and blasts of energy rock it from dimension to dimension, tossed between worlds by the chaotic energy.

Flash! A world of war, where tanks and men fight endless hordes of demons. Flash! A world of fire and ice, the elements raging for dominance. Flash! A world of twisted flesh, a green sun hanging in the sky.

With a final crack, you're dropped out of the storm, and begin falling. Well, not so much falling as undergoing re-entry. You see the world spread out below you; it seems oddly flat. The plasma fires of the atmosphere flare up over the windows, and you can see no more, but you know that this isn't your home.

The roaring and rattling of reentry builds, your thrusters trying and failing to slow you down. Then, you pass through the clouds, and you see the plasma covering the ship die down. Unfortunately, you're still going way too fast.

The water below looms up beneath you, and you're not slowing down nearly fast enough. There's an island in front of you, but you doubt you'll make it.

Then, you hit the water, and your ship skips over the surface like a rock tossed by a titanic child, tumbling end over end as it plows into the sand of the beach.

When it's all over, you're amazed you're all still unharmed. Stranded on what looks like a tropical island, but unharmed none the less.

And Creation will never be the same

Out of the Void

The Wiki page for the Exalted/OWoD play-by-post game where members of Void Engineer dimensional exploration team finds themselves knocked through the fabric of time and space and ultimately crash landed in another world. A more primitive world. A world ruled by spirits and god-kings who oppress the common man who dwells in barbarism or back-breaking peasantry.

It's time for them to find out what the Technocratic Order was founded for. Even if you're some of its lower-level members, you've still got Enlightened Science and what Hypertech you've got on hand. Creation will never be the same.