Menkin Feist the Hospitaler

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Back to Against the Giants 4e

Menkin Feist Paladin Lawful good Level 13

Move: 6 squares

HP: 92 Bloodied: 46

AC: 10 + 6 (1/2 level) + (11)armor and (2)shield = 29

Fort: 25 Refl: 24 Will: 25

Healing surges: 15 Healing surge value: 23

Resistances: Fire: 10 Necrotic: 10 All ranged: 5

S 17 C 16 D 11 I 12 W 16 Ch 16

== Trained skills: ==

Diplomacy +14 (18) Endurance +14 Heal +14 Insight +14 Religion +12


Axe +14 (+ proficient bonus) Crossbow +13 (+ proficient bonus)

== Feats: ==

Armor of Bahamut (Interrupt, turn crit vs. you or ally in range 5 to normal hit) Healing Hands (+ Cha mod healing for Lay on hands) Mounted combat( Gain mount’s special mount abilities) Powerful charge (+2 damage on charge, +2 to bull rush attempts) Durable (+2 healing surges/day) Alertness (+2 to perception checks) Defensive mobility (+2 to AC vs. opportunity attacks) Uncanny dodge (Enemies denied the +2 bonus from combat advantage) Deadly Axe (all axes are high crit weapons)

At will:[edit]

Bolstering strike(cha vs AC, 1[w]+cha damage, enemy -2 to attacks next turn if marked) Holy strike(Str vs AC, 1[w]+Str radiant damage. If marked bonus damage= wis mod) Valiant strike(Str+1/every enemy adjacent vs AC, 1[w]+str


Righteous smite (cha vs AC, 2[w]+cha, you and allies in 5 squares gain temp 5+wis HP) Thunder smite (Str vs AC, (crit 19-20), 2[w]+ str + foe knocked prone) Warding blow(cha vs AC, 2[w]+cha, each ally in 5 squares can make save) Renewing smite (cha vs AC, 2[w] + cha, 1 alli in 5 squares healed 10+ wis)


Radiant Delirium(cha vs refl, 3d8+cha radiant damage, target dazed and -2 to AC 1 turn) Martyr’s retribution(str vs AC, 4[w]+str radiant, spend healing surge w/ no HP gain) One stands alone(If no alli in 5 squares, burst, cha vs will, 2d8+ cha radiant + weakened)


  • Astral Speech (+4 power bonus to diplo until end of encounter)
  • Divine bodyguard(alli in 5 squares, take half his damage)
  • Turn the tide (burst, you + allies in burst make save vs. all effects)
  • Healing font(Until end of encounter each time hit opponent heal alli in 10 squares d6[ts] wis mod)



Black iron plate +3 AC, resist 10 fire and necrotic Shield of deflection: Resist 5 all ranged attacks


Lightning +3 battle axe Magic +2 crossbow

Other magic items:[edit]

Symbol of battle +2, +2 attack and damage rolls, +2d8 crit Amulet of protection+3: +3 to fort, refl and will Gloves of piercing: Daily power until end of encounter attacks ignore 10 or lower resist Circlet of authority: +2 diplo and intimidate Belt of sacrifice: Each ally in 5 squares gains +1 to healing surge value Everlasting Provisions

Items: 15 Lightning +3 Battle axe 14 Black iron plate armor 12 Shield of deflection 11 Amulet of protection +3 10 Symbol of battle +2 7 Circlet of Authority 7 Belt of sacrifice 6 Magic +2 crossbow 4 Everlasting provisions 3 Gloves of piercing

14,000 gp Flaming +2 longsword (5000) Bag of holding (1000) Rope of climbing (5000) Mundane items: (3000 left) Xtra weapons, ranged and hth Standard adventurer’s kit Lots of ammo Everburning torch Tent Riding horse and a warhorse.