Forgotten Freedom:Naz'roth

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"It'll take them years to peel what's left of you off the walls..."

Race: Daemon Lord.(Fallen Angel)The Arch-Angel Anti-Christ

Appearance: He stands at seven feet in height, with long black hair that's tied back from his face. His eyes are a shimmering emerald green in color. his face is beautiful, angelic even, with skin like carved marble. Stretching out from his back are a Pair of Black Feathered wings, he stretches causing the wings to flex. He appears young, about twenty to twenty-five, with pointed ears similar to a half-elf's. His face also possesses certain slightly elvish qualities. like Sa'vor, his eyes show age, but unlike Sa'vor it's the weight of hundreds of Millennia rather than centuries. Within these ancient eyes lurks an inhuman intelligence and the patience of a true immortal who has watched empires rise and fall, mortals wither and die, but remained constant,With egar soul He wears an Ancient suit of Ebony full-plate, the design of which is perfect, the plates' edges are lined with silver and in its chest an Emerald holding a floating rune is prominent, perfectly symmetrical.

Background: If the Rakasha Rajahs could have nightmares, then Naz'roth would be it. Naz'roth and his kin are the oldest creatures in creation. The first of the demons/devils, the Daemon Lords possess untold amounts of power in every field of magic. Each of them ruled one of the central continents. It is theorised that there might have been more Daemon Lords ruling the remaining continents. but so far no one has had any evidence to prove this. Unlike most of his kind, Naz'roth's natural form is, by mortal standards, quite beuatiful. He stands over seven feet tall with Alabaster skin, White hair and Emerald eyes. During battle he is known to appear with two black feathered wings. It is sometimes thought that Naz'roth was once an angel, it is quite probable that this is what gives him his lawful nature over the more chaotic versions of his kind. Of course, Naz'roth has never decided to tell anyone his past, and perhaps the only being who would know is Sa'vor.

Naz'roth is the oldest and most powerful of the Four, he ruled over Khorvaire with an iron fist. His greatest citadel was within the Demon Wastes, this dread fortress is where Naz'roth would plan his next moves in battle and prepare for the challenges ahead. Over the years of the war with the Dragons, Naz'roth earned a reputation for being a vicious and bloodthirsty combatant even for his kind. it is here that he earned the Title Naz'roth of Legion; not only because he himself fought like a legion and caused four times as much destruction, but because of his primary power: upon his death he would rise once again more powerful and terrible to behold. But even with the Daemon Lords the age of demons ended when they were bound in prisons beneath the earth along with the Rajah (the Barons and nobility of the Demonic forces).

Naz'roth also had a reputation for being one of the First Necromancers as well as being the Greatest Magesmith in creation. Naz'roth often works to prove these rumours and takes great pride in the beautiful things he creates as well as Art, Poetry and Dance. Naz'roth once bound into his Crystal prison saw Guardians come and go by him, and with each passing century he grew more and more angry at the Demon lords who fought their petty wars on Shavarath rather than help free him. It was with a raid of the lair of the guardian and her death that Naz'roth found an exit. Over the years, Naz'roth had watched Sa'vor become fueled by hate and watched his form become twisted by the demonic energy. Naz'roth made a deal with the dying Sa'vor, Naz'roth would help Sa'vor get revenge and Sa'vor in turn would give Naz'roth freedom by letting him harbor his soul within Sa'vor.

Eventualy Naz'roth's died and his soul departed, but it was there that Naz'roth discovered his true destiny. He would be the one to unite the waring demons and devils and other fiends and bring them together into the eternal war against good. Naz'roth reappeared on the mortal realm. Unfortunatly he only possessed the abilities of a pit fiend, but soon he began to regain his power. Now he has reached full power once more and is preparing for his destiny. But Naz'roth has changed, he fell in love with Sa'vor's Cousin Tara, a dabbler in necromancy herself. Naz'roth and Sa'vor are great friends, and Naz'roth plans to fight beside Sa'vor until the time comes for Naz'roth to complete his destiny.

Recently Naz'roth has drawn attention to himself by manifesting a lot of his power and burning his old Symbol into the sky. Now the Dragons of Argonessan are preparing to stop him, who knows what the future holds for the oldest of the Daemon lords?

Magic and Combat Abilities: In Combat, Naz'roth wields either his Staff or his Longsword and Shield. his combat style is old, with elegant movement and perfect form. Naz'roth's Magical abilities are Equal to the Ubers, and at places surpass them. he wields a mix of Ancient and New spells as well as his own personal creations. Naz'roth is naturally magical. Extremly Gifted, he doesn't merely wield magic. He is magic. he possess ancient and unfathomable ties to spells and pacts older than even he. In combat Naz'roth wields a mix of Unsubtle and Subtle spells, layering defences around his allies quicker than thought before unleashing strategic spells to hamper and weaken his foes. At that point he then picks them off with death effects of focused evocations.

Roleplaying tips: Naz'roth is Ancient, Older than all other Rajahs and Daemons, and certainly older than most Fallen. he's seen the rise of the Age of Demons and the fall of empires. His thought processes are unfathomable to most, and in cases more alien even than those of an aberration. He is Patient, thinking out his actions fully before making them. He is an immortal, he'll be alive millennia after the Forgotten Freedom is but a myth, if there's one thing he has in abundance it's time. He is also extremly intelligent and never lets his thoughts or emotions to the surface. Naz'roth is extremly interested in all forms of items, be they magical or Alchemical or even mechanical. Naz'roth will show curiosity to them that surpasses that of anyone else. It's not just quality, Power or appearance for Naz'roth, it's intent, design and purpose. If engaged in conversation about this, Naz'roth will talk animatedly for hours on end and will question the questioner endlessly on their own interests when it comes to Artifice ( though he calls himself a MageSmith). Magic also holds an innate curiosity to Naz'roth, who is proficient in most, if not all, of its forms. Literature and other forms of art also interest Naz'roth, he finds that balance between the arts of war and peace are crucial. Naz'roth is an intensly private person, revealing his private life on a need to know basis. Those who spy on him are usually punished in a severe and comic as possible fashion, though his talents in this in no way rival Kithle or 13.

Naz'roth considers all Ubers and Veteran Scum close friends and views them with respect, he enjoys watching the second generation crew and takes interest in their futures. He conisders the d'Vol group his close family. After the Draconic war, Naz'roth and his Twin Naur are on better relations, moving from Hostile to indifferent or friendly. Naz'roth is truly deeply in love with Tara, but he prefers to keep their relationship private and is uncomfortable with public displays of emotion. He's taking their relationship slowly, but is unwavering in his affections for her.

  • Created by Lord Kale Fangblade

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