Forgotten Freedom:Ülachemkalashuuch
Ülachemkalashuuch (a.k.a. Reman Weascal)
male human
Lawyerspeaker 8 (so, needless to say, he's LE)
Reman's father—a powerful wizard who'd been on many adventures—wanted his son to pursue something less dangerous. Why he chose lawyer we will never know. Reman, however, got hooked on Truespeech. Rather than rebel or quietly accept, Reman combined the two disciplines. Instead of using words to make the universe bend to his will like a truespeaker, or using words to strike fear and confusion in the ignorant like a lawyer, Reman can confuse the univere with words. He is the only Lawyerspeaker EVER. Needless to say this branded him as one of the most evil people in history, and reserved him a karmic spot on the FF.
Most of the crew finds Reman hilarious. Reman will say something that sounds like pure gibberish and... NOTHING HAPPENS. At least not for a few minutes... or days. By the time Reman has given up on the utterance it activates. So he's like a different kind of Hoybee: his utterances WORK, but never when he wants them to. Reman never gives up, though, always pressing on like everythings working. Like a good lawyer he never lets reality get in the way.
Jarlot absolutely refused to hire a lawyer (CG). So Reman is working his way up from Redshirt, occasionally trying to advise the crew on legal matters. He's not pursued by any über-evil: they're all too afraid of lawyers.