Forgotten Freedom:Suferot

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(Native Outsider)

This new breed of humanoid Outsider stems from the union of Terra and Lisa. Still in its beginning stages, with two being only 15 years of age and the other four being five years old, the full extent of this race's abilities is unknown. They currently bear a mix of human, elvish, angelic, demonic, and Lycanthropic (Werewolf) blood, but what part each plays is unknown. Terra also bears some Aberrant and Kalashtar elements, but it is unsure if they have any effect at all on the children. The theory their parents ascribe to is that the Outsider blood stems from Terra's unusual background. While the Lycanthropy is decended from Lisa, they believe their Outsider status is independant of this.

One thing that is certain is that each possesses the power to remake the world around them. Terra's intimate knowledge of and close ties to shadowmatter (the raw material that shadow is made of) have been passed on to her children in a more instinctive manner. Each child, therefore, has seals placed over their seven chakra points in order to restrain it. As the children mature mentally and physically, the seals will unbind. So far, none has met the requirements to break all seven, but Elina and Sarah have made it through six.

The two most striking characteristics of this race are its sheer adaptability and its impressive hardiness. The innate control of shadowmatter gives them combat options unknown to any other race save the changelings, allowing them to take nearly any shape they wish as the seals fade. The Outsider blood mixed with the same shadowmatter connection grants them both the ability to absorb more damage than their humanoid frames would imply and the fortitude to fully recover in hours from injuries that would be near fatal to more "standard" humanoids.

Another apparent characteristic, but one not yet confirmed, is that, unlike most Outsiders, the Suferot seem to have no preferred alignment or favored class. While their nature gives each a strong magical attunement, it doesn't seem to favor any one discipline or even magic at all. The shadowmatter control is universal, but all other things seem random (neither Sarah or Scias have any interest in magic). While it may be the mortal blood flowing through them that enables this, their parents do not believe so.

The downside, while less apparent, is still great. Power always attracts unsavory characters, and the youth are still impressionable. So far, Elina has been the greatest target, nearly falling to the Shadow. Sarah, while so far coming out ok, still must contend with her connection to the Fury, as well as the potential interest her boy(girl?)friend Tirmek's less honorable ilk may have in her.