Forgotten Freedom:Jingo the Shade
Jingo the Shade
Female Goblin
Rogue 3 / Monk 4 / Shadowdancer 4
Though not a recent addition to the crew, Jingo is nonetheless unknown to many. This is partly because she would rather not associate with most of the crew on a social level (brutes that most of them are), and partly because she's just so damn sneaky. She's nearly given the captain a heart attack on six different occasions simply by appearing in front of him when he thought he was alone.
Jingo was originally a member of a small pseudo-monastic sect distantly related to the Mockery that operated out of the Lhazaar Principalities. Its members were trained in "infiltration and acquisition" (known by most as "breaking and entering") and employed in secret in much the same manner as agents of House Thuranni.
Actually, this is exactly why Jingo was originally a member of said small pseudo-monastic sect distantly related to the Mockery that operated out of the Lhazaar Principalities. When the House of Shadow split and Thuranni moved north to the Principalities, it had the unfortunate side effect of providing more competition than her sect could handle. In the big scheme of things, despite incredible amount of intrigue and deceit in the world, there isn't really a lot of call for infiltration and assassination. As a result, Jingo's sect simply couldn't cope and eventually folded. When an airship happened to be passing by with a chance to escape the Principalities (and Thuranni), she hopped aboard and never looked back.
The captain didn't know she was onboard for more than 3 weeks, and that was only because she introduced herself.
Jingo, as most goblins are, is short and lanky, though she possesses a surprising comeliness and confidence absent in nearly all other gobbos. Her yellow skin is normally hidden almost entirely by a black outfit seemingly composed of shadows-made-cloth. All that is normally visible is a narrow band about her emerald eyes and the tips of her fingers.
As a Shadowdancer, Jingo possesses an undead shadow companion, Figment. Figment is terribly shy, and seen even less often than Jingo, normally lurking out of hiding only at her request. Lisa has attempted to turn Figment on two separate occasions, and despite being immune to this the shadow still gives the paladin a wide berth.
Jingo has been with the crew a long time now, and has not developed a particularly positive opinion of most of them, seeing them as inept, unobservant, and downright incompetent on occasion. Jingo herself has become rather arrogant, thinking herself far superior to her fellow crewmembers. Enough so, in fact, that she has taken it upon herself to harass crewmen who remain unaware of her existance, just to prove to herself just how superior she is. Ketler, Stupid, V, Marish, Michael, and Doog all have been targeted by the goblin. Often she steals items of personal importance (incriminating blueprints regarding cloning apparati in the case of Ketler, and the Chain of Command in the case of Doog, for example), and uses them in suitably-humiliating-for-the-victim pranks. Other pranks are much simpler, often just graffiti on the walls of the head that may or may not be true ("Michael is watching right now").
Despite her discipline and otherwise lawful nature, Jingo is a kleptomaniac. There isn't a crewman onboard who hasn't had a trinket nicked, but the goblin is usually sure to return the item in a suitably subtle manner (ie: re-hiding it on their person) after realizing she stole it. Usually. There are still some items that once belonged to others stashed about the ship in hidden nooks and crannies.
In combat, Jingo prefers only to fight if she hasn't been seen (which is generally the case). Then, a flanking flurry-of-sneak-attacks from her stunning kick and razor-sharp kama are normally enough to eliminate opponents. Failing that, her ability to completely hide in the shadow cast by her opponent (somehow) has saved her neck more than once.