Alex Cannith-Vulpes

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Alex Cannith-Vulpes

LE Male Fox Shifter

Binder 9/Talon of Tiamat 4

Appearance: A bit lankey as he moves through the later stages of puberty, but otherwise a handsome young man of about 16. His fur is a deep mahogany color that covers his tail, ears, and parts of his back, upper arms and legs. His most striking trait is his multicolored eyes, his left eye the same piercing yellow of his mother and his right the hypnotic reddish brown of his father.

Personality: Cruel and sadistic, but uncannilly smooth. Merely listening to him seems to carry a risk of falling under his sway. His eyes, such a powerful draw in his features, seem to suck you in as he talks, pulling at your fears and insecurities with surprisingly few words.

At the end of the day, all his charm aside, he is a complete and total control freak. And he's VERY GOOD at being one. The stereotype of a neurotic mess couldn't be farther from the truth, as he has a way about him that convinces you that his will is yours as well.

His battle style is extremely calculated, and he likes to keep his options open. Tactical retreats are always considered, and heroic stands make him laugh. Then again, he far and away prefers to use proxies and minions to do his dirty work, letting him plot and plan from above the fray. Perhaps his favorite strategy is "tactical losses", wherein his point is not to win but to achieve some strategic goal, only to be perceived as having been turned away.

He is more than just in the thrall of the Thorn of Pride. He IS the Thorn. He thinks himself deserving of worship, is generous to those who obey him, and uncompromisingly cruel to any who slight him. Surprisingly patient considering this, his vengeance is always well planned rather than spontaneous.

Background: Brought to the Authority by Kazandra not long after being stolen from his mother, he has lived a relatively sheltered life under constant surveilance (so they thought). The uneasiness and even fear he picked up by his handlers went a long way towards his decision to turn on them, and his inbred desire to be the one calling the shots clinched the deal.

He is a brilliant strategist, besting even dragons at Conqueror on a regular basis and thinking so many steps ahead as to seem absurd. His full capabilities are unknown even to those who "raised" him, and most think him some kind of Artificer. In reality, he merely channels the souls of ones he has found, mostly those of his father's family. Their combined knowledge and talent, matched with his own intelligence, have allowed him to create the wonders the others have had glimpses of.

Wrath of the Lich Queen