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Back to World of Project VIGILANCE Factbook


Real Name: Aaron Anderson

Identity: Secret (Known to Gov. and Police)

Origin: Accident

Power Source: Unknown/ Electricity

History: Aaron has been a thrill seeker for all of his life, whether it being rock climbing or pulling stunts on his bike. Two months ago he broke into an abandoned power station near Pullyup for a little 'urban exploration' only to find that it wasn't as abandoned as he had thought. He managed to get the group on tape only to find that whatever elecrical based villain had decided to pump him full of juice and leave him for dead. To his surprise, after he recovered from unconsciousness, he woke feeling better than ever and with a control over electricity. Weighing the options he decided that he wasn't interested in becoming some sort of superpowered criminal nor was he interested in military service (not that they would let an ex-con in) but he couldn't exactly ignore what he could do either. After a few weeks as a minor vigilante frying local gang members and getting into a few bar fights, he was contacted by F.I.S.H. and brought on board in exchange for getting his record cleared.

Personality: Mildly abbrasive thrillseeker

Heroic Motivation: Gov. pressure/ previous criminal record

First Appearance: Volume #1, Issue #1 Crisis at Crusaders’ Tower

Age: 33

Gender: Male

PL: 8[edit]

  • Power Points: 120
  • Hero Points: 1
  • Trade-Offs: none


  • Strength: 16 [+3]
  • Dexterity: 16 [+3]
  • Constitution: 16 [+3]
  • Intelligence: 12 [+1]
  • Wisdom: 10 [+0]
  • Charisma: 12 [+1]


  • Initiative: +3
  • Attack Bonus: +8
  • Defense Bonus: 18 (Flat-Footed: 14)


  • Toughness: +8 (Flat-Footed +3)
  • Fortitude: +7
  • Reflex: +7
  • Will: +4


  • Acrobatics 8 (+11)
  • Bluff 0 (+1)
  • Climb 8 (+11)
  • Diplomacy 0 (+1)
  • Disable Device 4 (+5)
  • Escape Artist 0 (+3)
  • Gather Info 4 (+5)
  • Handle Animal 0 (+1)
  • Intimidate 6 (+7)
  • Knowledge: City architecture 4 (+5)
  • Notice 6 (+6)
  • Perform: (Parkour) 8: (+11)
  • Profession: Courier 6 (+6)
  • Ride (Bicycle): 6 (+9)
  • Search 0 (+2)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+4)
  • Stealth 8 (+11)
  • Survival 0 (+1)
  • Swim 0 (+3)


  • Accurate Attack
  • Defensive Roll: 5


  • Blast 8 [Lightning bolt] (cost: 20pp)
  AP Teleport 8 (Medium -1; Elecrical wires, Accurate +1) [Riding the current]
  AP Blast 5 (Area +1; 40 ft rad) [Ball Lightning]
  AP Absorbtion (to healing) 5 (Electricity only -1, Ranged +1) [Recharge]
  AP Paralyze 8 [Shock treatment] 
  • Super-Senses 5: Detect - Electrical fields (Sense; hearing, accurate) (cost: 5pp)
  • Immune 5: to Electricity (cost: 5pp)


  • Electric powered devices highly unreliable or inoperable around him due to unconcious drawing upon current
  • Prior criminal record
  • hunted by Villain (to be determined later)
  • Semi-secret identity (known to police/ government, unknown to family, work, etc)


  • none

PP Total = Attributes 22 + Combat 32 + Saves 12 + Skills 18 + Feats 6 + Powers 30 - Drawbacks = 120pp[edit]