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Back to World of Project VIGILANCE Factbook


Real Name: Abigail ("Abi") Ravencroft

Identity: Secret.

Origin: Needing money for her university studies, she took part in medical testing which turned out to be more than a bit shady. Most of the subjects died, Abi ended up with "spider powers". She's super agile, sticks to walls, can spin webs and can "sting" people that she touches with a paralysing venom. Just like a black widow spider...

She's pretty certain that any records pinning her identity down were lost in the fallout, but the Alchemist, who was carrying out the experiments, knows that the Black Widow is one of their products and has tried on several occasions to capture her for further testing.

Power Source: Illegal genetic experimentation.

History: Abi is a fine arts student at the Cornish College of the Arts. After the disastrous medical experiments she had volunteered for the summer before she started her course, she spent a while keeping her head down before finally feeling compelled to use her powers for good. Now she's trying to juggle learning the ropes as a superhero with her university course. She really is very new to this hero lark. (I deliberately tried to build her traits to reflect this - she doesn't have any investigation skills to speak of and, apart from the things that are her "shticks", she's quite shaky.)

Personality: A bit out of her depth. She's an art geek, a bit serious-minded at times but she is still an impetuous kid. In her superhero identity, she deliberately tries to project a bit of scariness with her codename and a black-and-red costume, but she's not nearly as scary as she'd like to be. She's quite aware that she's been managing so far with a mixture of blind luck and persistence, and she's just hoping to get away for it with long enough that she doesn't have to panic a little bit every time she puts on the mask.

Heroic Motivation: She's inspired by the example of other heroes who've gone before her. Let's say that there's a memorial to a dead superhero (of whom she was a childhood fan?) somewhere near her university, which she sees quite often. After she got her powers, it made her feel guilty every time she saw it.

First Appearance: Volume #1, Issue #1 Crisis at Crusaders’ Tower

PL: 8[edit]

  • Power Points: 120
  • Hero Points: 1
  • Trade-Offs: +1/-1 Defence/Toughness


  • Strength: 10 [+0] (14 [+2])
  • Dexterity: 12 [+1] (34 [+12])
  • Constitution: 10 [+0] (16 [+3])
  • Intelligence: 14 [+2]
  • Wisdom: 12 [+1]
  • Charisma: 14 [+2]


  • Initiative: +12
  • Attack Bonus: +2; Melee (unarmed)/Ranged: +6/+2 (+8 with Snare, Dazzle or Trip)
  • Defence Bonus: 12 (Flat-Footed: 12)


  • Toughness: +5 (+3 Flat-Footed)
  • Fortitude: +3
  • Reflex: +12
  • Will: +2


  • Acrobatics 6 (+18)*
  • Bluff 6 (+8)
  • Climb 1 (+13)
  • Computers 1 (+3)*
  • Craft (artistic) 6 (+8)*
  • Diplomacy 2 (+4)
  • Intimidate 5 (+7)
  • Knowledge (popular culture) 2 (+4)*
  • Notice 5 (+6)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+5)
  • Stealth 2 (+14)


  • Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialisation (unarmed) 2, Attractive, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 6, Evasion, Sneak Attack 2.


  • Enhanced Dexterity 22 [22pp]
  • Enhanced Strength 4 [4pp]
  • Enhanced Constitution 6 [6pp]
  • Leaping 2 [2pp]
  • Paralyse 6 (Drawback: Full Power (-1)) [11pp]
  • Snare 8 (Power Feats: Accurate 3, Tether) [23pp]
 Alternate Power: Dazzle (Sight) 8 (Power Feats: Accurate 3)
 Alternate Power: Super-Movement (Swinging)
 Alternate Power: Trip 8 (Power Feats: Accuracy 3, Improved Trip)
  • Speed 4 (Limited: Only while swinging -1) [2pp]
  • Super-Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling) [2pp]


  • Nothing particularly notable, other than the usual paraphernalia like mobile phone, front door keys, etc.


  • Enemy (The Alchemist).
  • Finances (short on cash - she's an impoverished student).
  • Reputation (Bad PR).
  • Responsibility (university studies).
  • Secret (identity).


  • Vulnerability to Drugs (Uncommon, Minor) [1pp]

PP total = Abilities 12 + Skills 10 (40 Ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 72 + Combat 10 + Saves 1 - Drawbacks 1 = 120pp[edit]