2012 The Next Wave Crests PBP

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Those occult scribblers who know best the secret history of the world say there is a tide that drives human destiny.

Waves crest, breaking ever higher, as our population grows.

The spray and foam are those extraordinary few in each generation who break all limits. Who know no boundaries. Who change the world.

There were a dozen in 1913. World War I. The Great Flu Epidemic. Radio. The Air age.

There were a hundred in 1938. World War II. The Atomic Age. Telephones and electrification.

There were a thousand in 1963. The Cold War. The Space Age. Cellphones and the World Wide Web.

There were a thousand more in 1988. More Wars. The great Aids epidemic. Cell phones The World Wide Web changes human civilization as greatly as the telegraph and printing press before it.

2012. The next wave crests.

I call for players for a Mutant and Masterminds play by posting game. In a world seemingly much like our own, secret forces drive humanity's destiny. For generations, there have been super humans working quietly in the shadows. But their works are getting louder. And the Player's characters will be the loudest of all.

Recruitment will be wide open and no limit to slots -- folks always drop out anyway. Player character Power Level will be 10. Starting power points will be 160 rather than 150, so you can be a little more rounded or have occasionally useful tricks.

Campaign setting is the year 2012 across all of Earth and the solar system, possibly elsewhere in time and space. Elements include Evolution, Aliens, Cosmic destinies, Freedom, Survival.