Blade of Ruin - Lore of Hyrule

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The World

An NPC in the PbP Fellowship - Blade of Ruin.

The People of Hyrule

The Hylians

The Hylian Empire is in decline, its glory days long passed.

Hylians are more than a bit magical. They incredibly long-lived - there may even be some left who remember the catastrophe. They are empathic with each other, able to detect their kin and even communicate silently with those to whom they share strong bonds. They also have an innate connection to the land where they are born.

The Minish

The Minish

The Minish dwell in a realm beyond Hyrule known as the Minish Realm.

They are tiny humanoids who speak their own secret tongue and, for the most part, do not know the speech of the world. The Minish Elders have decreed that they must remain apart from the world, to protect them from dangerous vice.

The Minish have hidden treasures around Hyrule. Those which remain are ancient and powerful secrets.

The Minish say they were born of starlight and that half of their kind chose to serve the Sun goddess Hylia. Another group of Minish chose to serve the Moon goddess Lolia, but of those, nothing is known,

The Rito

The Rito

The Rito are bird-people who dwell in isolated enclaves.

Their magic is tied to shadows, dreams, and twilight.

The Twili

The Twili

The Twili people are a secretive and mysterious race, living in a realm apart from Hyrule. They are ruled by a Queen.

They use a strange magical technology called Sols to work their powers - mystical orbs which allow them to wield strange powers.

The Twili have fallen under the influence of Artra who has used her power both to cure the Dimming Plague which afflicted them and turn them to her side. They are unaware of how she has manipulated them, seeing her only as a savior.

During the day, when they rest, the Twili transform into bestial monsters who roam the mortal world at Artra's direction.