Gods of the Vale

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The gods are covered in more detail HERE.

The High Gods

The people of Nentir Vale, by and large, worship a syncretic collection of deities known variously as the Lords of the Sky, the High Gods, the Elders, and the Great Ones. They are drawn from the ancestral pantheons of the four dominant races, but have largely been combined into a single unified pantheon over the years. Some people feel especially drawn to one individual deity or another, but most respect and revere the pantheon as a whole, and most churches are dedicated to the gods in general. There are regional variances, of course; a given deity may have especial prominence in one community, only to be relegated to secondary status in another, but it’s a rare community that doesn’t at least acknowledge them all. By and large, the Lords of the Sky are distant beings who do not directly interfere in mortal affairs; they may send prophetic dreams and cryptic messages, but they almost never take a direct hand.

  • Artheon - Halfling god of nature
  • Bu'jor - Goblin god of trade
  • Forutan - Gnome god of law
  • Fu'gils - Goblin goddess of trickery
  • Garutan - Gnome god of necromancy
  • Hireus - Halfling goddess of community
  • Hertain - Gnome goddess of knowledge
  • Jordain - Gnome goddess of the forge
  • Khorg - Kobold goddess of sorcery
  • Kutul - Kobold god of defense
  • Lyraen - Halfling god of judgment
  • Rayge - Kobold god of storms
  • Slythe - Kobold goddess of the moon
  • Soleus - Halfling goddess of the sun
  • Tor-gus - Goblin god of the earth
  • Wo'gar - Goblin god of the hunt

The Dark Ones

The gods of evil are little-known to most folk, and never openly worshiped. They are respected, and offerings are made to avert their wrath, but there are no churches to their glory or priests who revere them.

  • Asmodel - Gnome god of deception
  • Grum - Orc god of strength
  • Samaeus - Halfling goddess of pride
  • Tharizdun - Alien god of madness
  • Tymath - Kobold goddess of monsters
  • Ze'thir - Goblin god of poison

Small Gods

Saints, folk heroes, and legendary figures are also revered, sometimes as agents of a deity, sometimes just as powerful and charismatic heroes of yore. Some are old gods whose time has passed; others are mighty elemental spirits, powerful fey, or lost and forgotten things. These small gods rarely have true clerics, though some are powerful enough to support a handful of spellcasting followers. Others act as patrons to warlocks, while some serve as exalted servants to the Great Ones.

Unlike the true gods, small gods and their kind occasionally meddle in the lives of mortals, and can even be found walking the land in mortal guise at rare times.

Direct signs and miracles from the High Gods are rare to the point of being legendary (although small gods are less remote). While most communities have a cleric or two with some healing spells, many priests lack spellcasting power, but are not less respected for it. Rare and powerful clerics are said to be able to cure diseases with a touch and call upon angelic beings for aid, but such people are near-mythic.

Elven Gods

The elven religion is secretive, and they perform no religious rites outside of their homeland. They are known to revere a moon god named Vorynn, patron of magic and change, but beyond that little is known.