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It begins in 1886, when a London doctor discovers a formula that unleashes the savage, base impulses that rage within him. Desperate to capture the monster, the Scotland Yard Inspector and the alienist assigned to the case enlisted the aid of other exceptional indivuduals. Once the doctor is brought under control, a mysterious secret agent, answerable only to Queen Victoria and known only as "N", brings these extraordinary adventurers together in service to the Empire as Her Majesty's Champions.

Lady J____, the wealthy heiress and adventuress. She is a master detective, a crack shot and the very model of the New Woman.

Beowulf, the ancient pagan warrior champion, possessed of superhuman vigor and tenacity. A frail and devoutly Christian doctor has, through an accident of psychic archaeology, found himself as the spirit's chosen conduit into the living world.

The Steel Knight, a brilliant scientist and nobleman who has constructed a suit of nigh-invincible electromagnetically-driven battle armor.

Doctor Pym, one of the world's premier scientific geniuses. A master of chemistry, biology, and differencial engineering, and creator of a number of astronishing inventions that enable him to battle delinquents.

The Grey Gargoyle, the creature who brought the group together. Possessing a wicked cunning and brutal, inhuman strength, he is barely controllable and soon slips his leash, ready to wreck havok once again.

Luckily, a more suitable replacement is ready to take his place.

The Victorian, created by using a perfected version of the formula that unleashed the Gargoyle. Chosen from the ranks of the noblity, the sword-weilding, swashbuckling champion is the personification of all that is considered good and admirable in the modern British gentleman.

And under the Victorian's leadership, the team continues to grow.

Hawkeye, a rifleman raised in the frontiers of South Africa. He is a master hunter and the world's greatest marksman, but his manners are often considered uncooth by urban Victorian society.

Morgana and Giantkiller, twin changelings raised by Tinkers. Morgana is a mistress of faerie magics, while her brother is fleet of foot and of mind.

T'Challa, an African tribal prince and epitome of the Noble Savage. He is a supurb physical specimine, a trained hunter and warrior, and steadfastly brave in the face of danger. He is also a spy among the group, hoping to ascertain how much of a threat this group might pose to his homeland.

Galatea, the clockwork automaton. Created by Dr. Pym's rogue creation, Adam, to destroy Her Majesty's Champions, she instead rebelled and joined their ranks.

Dreadnought, a disgraced gentleman transformed by the Prussian science pirate The Red Baron. His body is supercharged with the power of electricity, giving him the strength of an army. He also rebelled against his villianous creator and joined the Champions.

The Emerald Venus, once the fair cousin of the mad doctor who became the Grey Gargoyle. His immoral desires drove him to try to use his formula to turn her into a suitable mate, but instead unleashed a green-skinned collosus of immense strength, incredible beauty, and indominable attitude.