"Protect Joe!"
People of earth! This is Doctor Steel! People of earth, hear my words!
I am broadcasting tonight from an undisclosed location, where even now the Band of Steel is striking another blow for FREEDOM!
Above us, the stalwart Boneyard and the deadly Warcry are causing a diversion to draw our enemies away! The plan is working PERFECTLY! Here, as you can see, the remainder of the Band of Steel procedes with out true goal! Observe as the ferociaous Carnivore enters the secret laboaratory and...
What the heck? Jack-in-the-box arms? Brilliant! Wait! Ack! Energy glaive! AP 8?!?! Argh! Bone bruise! Yarf! Noise, quickly — the scientist... get the... YIKES! Madame Shade, your assistance is required! No spells? OUCHY! ARGH! YEOW!
Must... protect... Joe... blarg.
Shakes head to clear it.
"What happened?" Stands up to look around the box. "Where is everyone?" Hears fighting down the hall and runs towards the noise. Sees Joe right in front of the scary Glaive guy. "No, he's going to kill Joe!"