A Lawyerly Conversation

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Hamilton Berger Esq
Solicitor of the Laws
Licensed on Paquin, Persephone, Triumph, and for Alliance Interplanetary Law
4578a West Water Way, Koré Persephone

Dear Mr. Valentine Quick
DeLuxor Casino
Circus, Paquin

It is my duty to inform you of the passing of your father, Captain Lazarus T. Quick on Persephone this Dec 31st 2524. The official cause of death was liver failure. As it took some time to track you down, and it was necessary to have his body cremated. His remains are available if you are interested.

I am executor of Mr. Quick’s estate You were designated in the decedent’s Will, which was found inscribed in a short wave to a Ms. Jolene DePaul of Constance (deemed legal by local authorities), as his sole heir. As such by interplanetary law and the laws of Persephone and Paquin you are now recipient of his assets and debts. The debts, which were numerous and detailed in the attachments, have been resolved by the liquidation of his cash and other holdings, leaving only the personal items and the primary asset his ship “Delilah.” Delilah is currently in port at the Eavestown Docks, in Koré, Persephone. Please make all efforts to come to my offices to receive the papers and keys to the vessel.

The ship’s port fees are in arrears and currently amount to 155€. Each week an additional 20€ will be added along with a compound penalty of 20%. Unless you wish to continue to pay these fines, you must wave the balance soon, and take the ship from port. Please wave me at the address below if you have any questions.

H. Berger


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Dear Mr. Berger,

Thank you for informing me of my father's demise. I will take possession of his remains and any of his personal effects upon my arrival on Persephone within the next week. Considering how much time he spent there, I expect he would have wanted his remains scattered into space, which perhaps you could help me to arrange upon my arrival.

I have included with this wave the balance of port fees owed plus the additional amount necessary to cover a week's worth of port fees while I travel to Persephone. As my father had no desire to be involved with me during my life, I see no reason to change this state of affairs upon his death and so, will be looking to sell this ship as quickly and efficiently as possible. I certainly cannot afford to continue paying port fees. Do you know anyone that could facilitate a sale upon my arrival? I would, of course, pay an appropriate fee from the sale to the ship to any parties involved in helping make the sale happen.

Your professional courtesy and assistance is greatly appreciated during this stressful time.

Sincerely yours,
Mr. Valentine Quick


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