Adventurers of Absalom

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This is a page for the PbtA Maze World Pathfinder campaign Adventurers of Absalom


Recruitment Thread

In-Character Thread

Out-Of-Character Thread



Name HP AC Dmg XP Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Notes
Alfofrir Jadeblack 27/27 +2 D10 7 15(+1) 8(-1) 17(+2) 9(0) 13(+1) 11(0)
Devrin Morrington 15/15 +1 D6 0 +1 0 -1 0 +2 +1
Ginny Coppernickel 18/18 +1 D8 0 +0 +2 +0 -1) +1 +1
Xenia Venn 19/19 +1 D6 8 11(+0) 8(-1) 13(+1) 15(+1) 9(+0) 17(+2) +1 forward: Harlo's starting point is the forecourt of an abandoned shrine to Irori, the god of knowledge, history and self-perfection. You have to assume that Harlo was told to start here. Why might his masters be interested in this in particular?
???? 17/17 +1 D8 7 9(0) 17(+2) 11(0) 8(-1) 13(+1) 15(+1)
Lucian Locke 15/15 +1 D8 0 0 +2 -1 +1 0 +1

Super Important Bonds Table[edit]

Character connection to... Alfofrir Dev Ginny Xenia ????
Alfofrir hurr huh
Dev durr *fart*
Xenia *twitch* 1) Xenia respects the beliefs of Devrin but hopes they will someday see the true way. 2) The spirits spoke to Devrin of a great danger that follows Xenia. Ginny has guided Xenia before and Xena owes her. nia
???? *picking nose* *drool*

Setting Detail and Timeline[edit]