Age Of Dragons: Skirmish Combat Summary Sheet

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Age Of Dragons: Main Page -> Combat and Conflict-->Skirmish Combat -> Skirmish Combat Summary Sheet

Initiative: Action Order[edit]

  • Active character goes first.
  • If unclear, decide with competed roll (normally Soma vs Soma)

Determine and Roll Dice Pool[edit]

  • Character whose turn it is chooses which dice pool to roll.
  • He can choose to activate two pools in a single turn, but would roll only the lower pool.

Reroll Step[edit]

  • Activate any Reroll effects.

Spotting Step[edit]

  • Activate any Spotting effects.
  • Spot one 5+ Soma dice: Alter Tactical Range (flying)
  • Spot one 5+ Soma dice: Gain Altitude
  • Spot one 5+ Soma dice: Lose Altitude
  • Spot two 5+ Soma dice: Take Off
  • Spot two 6+ Soma dice:: Alter Tactical Range (grounded)
  • Spot one 5+ Soma Dice: Evade
  • Spot one 5+ effect: Focus

Expend Step[edit]

  • Activate any Expend effects.
  • Expend 4+ Soma dice: Tooth and Claw for 1 point of damage.
  • Expend 4+ Soma dice: Ranged for 1 point of damage.
  • Expend three 4+ Soma dice: Grapple.
  • Expend three 4+ Soma dice: throw off a Grapple.

Distances and Altitudes[edit]

  • Zero Range - Grappling.
  • Close quarters - Melee.
  • Middle distance - Melee or Ranged.
  • Long distance - Out of range, normally.
  • Disengaged
  • Grounded - On the ground. (Altitude 0)
  • Strafing low - Melee vs ground possible. (Altitude 0.5)
  • Normal altitude - Ranged vs ground only. (Altitude 1)
  • Flying High - Out of range of ground. (Altitude 2)
  • Ceiling altitude - Max height. (Altitude 3)

Reflexive Actions[edit]

  • Defend Spend points of Physical Defence. Each point spent negating the effect of one dice expended. This can reduce or fully negate a physical attack.
  • At the start of your turn, if current Physical Defence is less than your Passive Physical Defence, then it immediately increases to that value.
  • Bodyguarding defends allies instead of yourself. Costs TWO points Physical Defence per dice negated.

Damage and Health states[edit]

  • If Physical Resilience to 0 or less, incapacitated.
  • Incapacitated character cannot act in combat, and cannot use any effects that require spotting or expending dice. He cannot fly, and will fall from the sky.
  • A character reduced to a negative value equal to his Soma is killed.

Falling out of the Sky[edit]


  • The combatant is locked.
  • The combatant is dying
  • The combatant has lost the ability to fly - e.g. from having his wings torn off
  • You choose to fall.

Then lose 1 level of altitude at the end of your turn