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In the First Age, Allat was the wife of Lun Kuai and the second-in-command of his Wardens of the Green Sun. She was a Half-Moon caste and a master of strategy and personal combat, wielding her moonsilver jian, Talon of Shuddering Whispers, with deadly effect. Though the two have not yet met in the Age of Sorrows, Leaf Shakes the Wind bears a bracelet, a gift from her to Lun Kuai at their last parting, made from her hair and two crane feathers plucked from her own body while wearing her totemic shape.

From Below[edit]

Lun Kuai we respect. How can you not? If you see him work, or, more often, you see the results of his work, you know he is one of the greatest demon-hunters to ever live. To be chosen, as a mere Terestrial, to stand at his side is a supreme honor. So, of course we respect him.

Allat, however, we love. It is not that her power or skill is less than that of Lun Kuai; indeed, in a level test of arms, she might prove to be the superior. But what she does in the Wardens goes beyond that. She knows us in a way of which Lun Kuai seems incapable. When he looks at you, you see that he knows all your secrets, all your weaknesses, all the sins you may ever commit, even if they have not yet crossed your mind. When she looks at you, she sees your strengths, your hopes, the things about yourself that you cherish most, and she seeks to reinforce those things. She is a strategist of supreme skill, but her strategies focus as much on bolstering her own troops as they do using the information Lun Kuai has gathered to exploit the enemies' weaknesses.

Were they to ever come into conflict, it would tear the Wardens apart, splinter them into factions. I thank the Dragons that the love we have for Allat manifests tenfold between the two of them. For all their differences, they act in perfect harmony, one's actions always complementing the other. Lun Kuai would face down Malfaeas himself barehanded to save her, or allow himself to be torn apart at the hands of the lowliest Erymanthoi if she wished it.

-- Sextes Jylis Tarthias, Warden of the Green Sun

From Above[edit]

Allat has been instrumental in our ability to relocate in order to escape the depredations of the other Chosen. Her decisions are swift, firm, and wise; she will lead well in our new era.

And yet, I still have a few lingering doubts surrounding her. In every way, her countenance tells of contentment, even happiness in the given situation. She was among the first to accept the tattoos that bind us to our caste in this new environment; she cultivates her people as well as she ever has. But beneath it all, always the faintest scent of sorrow remains, like a bit of rotten meat somehow dropped among more savory dishes. When she thinks no one looks, she gazes back to the west, towards our old home.

Only in this do I see a weakness in her judgment. Despite all our agreements, the decisions made, she brought him into our camp, her old mate. While the rest of us quietly girded for battle, knowing not when he would descend upon us like a pain-crazed wolf but sure that he would, she sat quietly, her fingers touching his. They stared at each other for ours, no communication passing between them that even the most skilled among us could detect, yet, in the end, they stood simultaneously. He removed his weapons and armor and gave them to her; in return, she handed him a bracelet from within her robes. Then he left.

She has assured us that he will not come back, but we plan to move camp anyway. I remember that one, and if he knows where we are, he can be among us at any time without warning. While I trust Allat and she, for whatever reason, trusts him, I'm afraid the chain does not extend far enough for me to take her word on this. Allat's skills will be essential to our survival, but until I hear that the Chosen of Maidens have brought him down, I will keep every caution. It is the only way we will survive.

-- Felthias, Full Moon Lunar

Heaven's Mandate