Amilar Vondy

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The head of gens Amilar stood on the veranda of his hunting lodge, mentally preparing for the coming meeting. He smoothed his kimono with one weathered hand and considered whether to light a pipe or assume the white veil form. As he heard the carraige approach, he decided that either one would be a sign of weakness. He could afford no such safeguards.

As Yushoto Albia approached he gave a short bow and stated, "Good evening, Taimyo. It is always a pleasure."

She looked him over carefully before bowing herself. "A pleasure too infrequently repeated. The last time we met..."

"...yes, the debriefing. It has been some time..."

"...and much has changed since then. You complained of the more impressionable members of your household at the time, but now it seems you have joined their ranks in this foolish adoration of the anathema."

"I had no idea that you were so religious. Please, have a seat. Let us drink to our newfound sense of intimacy and honesty." A servant darted forward with a tray of tea and set it before them.

"I assume you did not ask me here to receive my veiled insults and probing questions." She drank deeply, her wizened face blank and emotionless.

"I felt obliged to after your recent assistance. I believe that thanks are in order."

"You're trying to be clever. Maybe in another hundred years..."

"I assure you, I'm being perfectly honest. My great-grandchild was recently waylayed by assassins in our city, but I understand that it was due to the tireless efforts of your directorate that he was... rescued." He sipped gingerly and feigned interest in his chrysanthemums.

"I don't know where you get your information. I reviewed the incident, but it was nothing more than a routine patrol. I assure you that I would have no party in securing this alliance of yours." Her piercing eyes settled on him like an owl considering a rabbit.

"Alliance? Hardly. I could think of no better way of punishing that shrew of a granddaughter than by marrying off her puritanical son to a backcountry wench. Perhaps your assessment is clouded by the unrestrained nature of my gratitude. I assure you, I don't credit you with the entire operation; as I understand it, not a single one of the assassins survived long enough to be interrogated." He stood and carefully turned his back to her, wincing somewhere deep inside, but nowhere close to his skin.

"You're quite right. I have far more important things to do than watch over the many wayward members of your wandering family. I'm afraid that such subtleties of intent will be less noticeable in the coming days, when we will be forced to play the roll of deterrence that our departed legions once played." She stood as well, placing her empty cup on the table. "Was there anything else? I'd hate to strain your legendary hospitality... it seems to be given so freely of late."

The easy smile left his face, and for a moment he allowed a suggestion of steel to creep into his voice. "That could be said of many in this city..." He glanced meaningfully to the West, where the open ocean could be faintly seen through a break in the trees.

"Better the demon you know." She bowed curtly. "I see you are finished. We've both decided on which horse to back. There's nothing more to be said."

Amilar Vondy bowed deeply and ushered her back to her carraige. As it departed down the broad roads of the Green Hunt, he exhaled sharply and reflected on the meeting. "A poor choice of metaphors today, Albia. Something is on your mind..." Looking down at his hands, he noticed that his pipe was already lit and ready. The head of gens Amilar took a deep pull and began preparing for the next round of backstabbing, which might not be so pleasant.

Heaven's Mandate