Answers to divination questions regarding Shibu's Army

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The Wilderlands of Absalom


  • Will Shibu cross the river and attempt to assault the Keep? YES
  • Will Shibu attack with most to all of his forces in one group? NO
  • Does Shibu have any creatures in his forces more powerful than an ogre? YES
  • Is Shibu's army east of the river Sarn? NO
  • Is Shibu's army south of Deepwater? NO
  • Is Shibu's army in the field? NO
  • Do the goblins have boats? NO
  • Will the goblin army attack from both sides of the river? YES
  • Is the goblin HQ (village) visible from the Magic Carpet? YES


  • Is the settlement within the box canyon that Pantera discovered Shibu's headquarters?
    • Great evil lies within the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, but the one known as Shibu lairs there not
  • When will Shibu be assembling his forces and marching on Wolf Keep?
    • He has already started to assemble and will march in three days time (this was on 5thday).
  • Have the goblins from these caves already left to rally for the attack on Wolf Keep?
    • No
  • What direction does Shibu's lair lie in relation to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon?
    • Shibu lairs within the Canyon of the Crescent Moon.
  • How will the goblin warband ambush Hosfai on the magic carpet today (7thday)?
    • Hosfai need not fear an ambush before the end of the day.
  • Does Shibu have spies in Deepwater?
    • Yes


  • Is it a good idea to search for the goblins from these caves in the air between here (150 yards from the caves) and Wolf Keep? YES

Judge metadata

  • Shibu knows you guys have a flying carpet and scout invisibly.
  • He knew through some method that you guys became aware of the impending attack and were scouting out the goblin villages. I will tell you he did not find that out the first time Hanston scouted.
  • It doesn't really matter where you guys set down the carpet (I did misread the "turn" as a "round", but it's irrelevent). The goblins, through some means, were able to determine roughly where you guys were going to land, even though the landing spot was in theory random (this should tell you something about your opponents).
  • These are just goblins. They've got at least one highish level spellcaster, and there are a lot of them, but they are just goblins.