My Liege, as it seems,
Herein, I answer your demand for an Article of Submission.
I submit.
Lord Arloxedra ap Eric
Defrocked Crowned Prince of Amber
In answer to your request that I elaborate on my previous letter, I write as you exit the library with a stride befitting an annoyed grandfather. I shall take a moment to explain myself, though I'm not sure it is wise. I will take your comments point by point.
I am Arloxedra, though that is a name I gained later. Its meaning is not your affair.
The name of my birth is as irrelevant as the world of my birth. Neither exist any longer. Suffice it was a sword age, of armored men, of tales of glorious Knighthood. Stained glory at best. More I'd rather not say.
During the reign of Queen Harla, my father, Eric, came and claimed me. I was a small boy. I traveled with Eric in shadow. He trained me at arms. We found a more respectable shadow for the glory of knighthood and we spent many decades there in the rise and fall of kingdoms. A shadow of Camelot, the card of which is now in the deck that bears your name. Despite martial adventures aplenty I found myself always reading. Collecting books in realms that lacked widespread literacy. I was teased for my passion by warriors who could not have read their names on a death warrant.
One night my father brought me before Oberon. He petitioned for me to walk the pattern and it was granted. Oberon told Eric that my education was lacking in the things that would be needed in the dark war coming. He spoke no word to me. He put in Eric's mind a place where I could learn much.
I did the bidding of the King and my father.
I spent many centuries in study and was ravaged, and learned of horrors. I went to that nasty place Benedict teaches his warriors. I went to places where the dark things dwell.
Eric took me to his exiled brother, a dethroned king of Amber, and we three spent many years speaking with dragons. I sought the answers to deep questions and I knew they were in places that were not safe. I suffered for my education.
Yet I sought more once I left my father. I walked my own path among scholars, mystics, and madmen. I was unwise in the paths I took to scholarship. I sang with the mad. I danced with the blissful. I drank from dark waters.
A sage would scold me for my excesses. In a place of color and dread, I was doomed.
In time my father came for me again. He brought me to Amber with the intention that I would be his heir as he took the Throne of Amber. But after a short time it was clear I might be unsuited but he said it did not matter. He said it would be thousands of years before I would be forced to take the throne and I would grow wise long before then. Turns out he was wrong.
After Oberon returned at the end of the Black Road war he spoke only once directly to me, only once in my whole life. He bid me wait in the Library. In retrospect it occurs to me that his order meant I sat through his repair of the pattern in the castle and if he had failed, I would have been swept up in the wave of destruction. He didn't tell me to stick to Benedict, or Llewella, or anyone else that might have meant id survive the storm or might have ended up at the Abyss to see the horn touch you. No, me Oberon told to go read a book and either die or survive. Perhaps one day I'll tell you of the conversations I had with such staff as was in the castle then, waiting to die. They remember that I was one of the few of the blood that was. Dame Margot and Lady Vialle sat in the library with me. In time Dworkin came and told us it was done and he bore Dame Margot and I to the place where the king laid.
To end my relationship with Oberon, I will add that it was I that placed him on the carriage that Dworkin drove to the Abyss after the storm passed. I covered him with the Flag of Amber, and my companion Darcy Rozaro, Dame Margot, Lady Elayne, and I were the last to see the king's face as he left Amber. We were the four that saw the ancient monarch leave the castle he built.
So now you come. I have done as you asked. I have no designs on the throne. My father was fairly sure my ruling would be a bad idea.
'So I serve a new king, the broken rook that I am. I will try to keep out of trouble.
So I answer, again, your demand for an Article of Submission.
I hereby submit.
Lord Arloxedra ap Eric, Once Crown Prince of Amber
It occurs to me I should be more forthright and speak in some detail.
- Eric had me crowned Prince of the Realm and used the Crown of Amber for it. I have felt that cold fire you wear.
- He had me walk the Primal Pattern wearing the Jewel of Judgment and attune myself to it. He did so because it was I who deciphered the method of achieving the act. He had me do so before him in case I was wrong. As you no doubt know; an attunement to the Jewel of Judgment can be only erased by its wielder, clearing all attunements of lesser degrees then their own. So mine will not be cleared unless the Eye of the Serpent is returned to its original owner. I know its secrets as deeply as any. Be careful and wary of it.
- I have held the Pattern Blade Galis, and it will come to me no matter who bears it. I have worn the armor Shatterbound.
- I wear the imprint of Amber from the Primal Pattern and I hold a Mal at Riess.
- I am a member of the Non-Partisan Anti-Agolith Association and I don't care who knows it.
- I have sat in the Oracle of Night[[1]] and the Tower of Grief[[2]]. What I learned there is my own affair
Arloxdra. Son of Eric[edit]
- Arlo is a nearly constant resident of the Library of Amber. Holding no official role in the running of the Library he is still almost always there. He can usually be found sleeping in one of the chairs or couches. He has apartments elsewhere but when questioned says he stores stuff there since for some reason he can't seem to sleep in those rooms. But he sleeps like a babe in the library no mater the time of day. If pushed he isn't always entirely certain where his quarters are all the time. He thinks they move.
- His world of origin is unknown but his references suggest an Earth/Urth/Earuth/AerthS World somewhere near the Camelot and Chivalry shadows. He writes copious editorials on works from the libraries that he mostly picks at random. He is meticulously clean, despite having piles of books near where he sleeps and writing material spread over some table nearby.
- He nearly always has a cigarette of some type burning. He has an ashtray nearly always near him that is mithril, with two outstretched pelicans for gripping cigarettes. Some function of the ashtray attracts huge amounts of smoke and deadens the smell of smoke withing 100 meters of itself.
- While many of the castle's stray cats make a point of visiting Arlo for a warm lap, saucer of milk, or uneaten meals, he has one cat that the others understand is Arlo's familiar. When asked its name, Arlo looks perplexed, then answers, "Cat" It is a large brownish maine coon cat.

A Sergeant of the Castle Elite. A quiet man but a familiar face around the castle. Currently serving in the Library Guard Post. Served in the 3rd legion at Patternfall early in his career. Known for carrying a book at all time. Received a military dispensation to bear a maul on duty as well as a side blade. He is often seen in his off hours in the Library with Arloxedra.[[3]]