Arloxedra-Tiny Amber
Lord Arloxedra appears 22 years old. He smokes constantly. He carries a knife but is known to be a potent sorcerer. The elders avoid him because of his precarious history. He is a son of Eric and possibly a very old one though he does not seem like it. He was declared Eric's heir during his short reign. When Eric died in battle by all the laws of Amber Arlo should have been crowned king. But he wasn't. Corwin was there and everyone deferred to him. Arlo was ignored. Jullian told him that he was lucky I was Eric's son and not Corwin's son because if Eric were in Corwins spot he would have executed him. He almost executed a brother to secure the crown, he would have had no qualms executing a nephew for the crown. Then Oberon returned and all thoughts of kingship fled Arlo's mind.
- So Arlo stays in the Library, nearly all the time, almost never sleeping in his apartment. And he has enjoyed being around the cousins as they grew up. Often playing with them, and enjoying being childih. Dame Margot dotes on Arlo.
See Arloxedra in the Jeweled Amber game.
- 2 pips for fencing and uncomfortable truths.
And since you all can see each others sheets, its only fair. This is the tiny Amber Arlo not the Jeweled Amber Arloxedra
Arloxedra, First Son of Eric Arloxedra
Father: Eric of Amber
Children: one
Total: = 226 Stats+ 214 Powers +40 Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies -3 bad Stuff +2 Storage
- 2 Fencing and uncomfortable truths
- Psyche: 90
- Strength: 34
- Endurance:61
- Warfare:41
Powers {214}[edit]
245 in Powers
- 25 (GM 75)Exalted Pattern Imprint-
- 70 Advanced Shape Shift-
- Chaos Form: Leather winged angel
- Animal form: Phoenix
- 30 Advanced Sorcery-
- 60 Advanced Trump Artist-
- 20 Conjuration-
- 25 Power Words -
- 15 Mal at Reiss Imprint-
- Master of the Jewel of Judgment (GM )
- Attuned to Eric's Armor-Shatter Bound (GM)
- Attuned to Eric's Sword-Galis (GM)
- Worn the Crown of Amber (GM)
- Held the Banner of Amber in Combat (GM)
- Ashtray (GM)
- Chanticleer's Claw (gm)
(-31 Pips in Negatives Dooms Effecting Powers)
- -20 Pips Major Doom
- -10 Pips Minor Doom
- -1 Twitch
Skills {40}[edit]
40 in mixed skills
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}[edit]
- 1 Amber Court Devotee-(6) 6 pips
- Dworkin
- 1 Amber Court Mostly-Devotee-(4) 4 pips
- King Random
- 1 Amber Court Best-Friend-(4) 4 pips
- Dame Margot
- 1 Amber Court Friend-(2) 2 pips
- Prince Benedict
- 10 Allies in Amber-(1) 10 pips
- Darcy Rozaro
- Dart of Hale
- Helene du Sarn
- Princess Flora
- Lord Vance
- Sally Mal at Riess
- Sang Wallu
- Casey Kossi
- Cogswell Mal at Reiss
- William Roth
- 2 Chaos Court Devotee-(4) 8 pips
- Lord Despil
- 2 Chaos Court Friend-(2) 4 pips
- Lord Jurt
- Amber Enemy (4) 4 pips
- Amber Enemy (2) 2 pip
- Ciprian Vitalijus
- Princess Fiona
- Amber enemies (1)1 Pip
- Allen Dormin
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Hymal Urien
- Cat-primal Creature
- Cats of Castle Amber-33 pips
Amber Vitality 4, Amber Stamina 2, Vs Weapons 1, Psyche Sense 1, Rapid Heal 2, Follow Shadow Trail 1 (always find Arlo), Horde *3
- Darcy Rozaro- 21 pips
Amber Vitality 4, Double Speed 2, Amber Stamina 2, Vs Weapons 1, Deadly Damage 4 (physical attacks), Elite Training 8
Items {}[edit]
- Ashtray
- Personal Tome
- Person trump deck
'King Eric's Blade
- Item Vitality:2 points; Chaos Vitality
- Item Movement:4 points; Engine Speed. (Fly 120mph)
- Item Stamina: 4 points; Endless Stamina. Transfer 5
- Extraordinary Damage: 8 points; Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons.
- Intelligence: 4 points; IQ 17/Ego 17. Willing partner.
- Psychic Defense:4 points; Psychic Barrier,5 points; Transfer Quality (at the will of the Wearer)
- Movement in Shadow: 4 points; Shadow Seek
- Item Healing: 8 points; Extraordinary Regeneration. 5 points; Transfer Half-Power (Regeneration 4 on wearer)
- Item Shape Shifting: 8 points; Special (12 distinct Forms)
- Shapes of Galis:broadsword, Gladius, scramasax, greatsword, Javlin,
- Ability 1 pip -Call to Hand
-3 Good Stuff